Build Help (Full Version)

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zfloydz -> Build Help (3/16/2020 15:57:20)

Having the most difficult time trying to get the level 150 Frostgale set. Wondering what could be improved in my build to help me get this level 150 set. I am able to get to the level 135 set with no problem. I am guessing it has something to do with my stats: STR 250, DEX 100, INT 250, LUK 50, END 100.

Here is my character page:

Thank you.

Dekoras -> RE: Build Help (3/16/2020 18:30:21)

Based on your current character and equipment, you really shouldn't be struggling too much. With that being said, there's still definitely room for improvement.

To optimize your stats, its generally recommended you go with 250 STR/INT/LUK for a werepyre hybrid or 250 STR/DEX/INT for a classic build if you don't like using mostly werepyre equipment. Since you've already got some werepyre gear, I'll assume that's what you're going for.

You also have a lot of meta items in storage, which will help you out a lot if you actually use them. Check out the Wiki for battle strategies and what is the best equipment for each build.

You've currently got a melee weapon loadout, but assuming you don't want to spend real money and are sticking to a werepyre build, I'd recommend switching to magic weapons. You already have Poelala in storage, which is really the only pet you're going to need 99% of the time. Put her into active inventory for a huge damage boost to all your magic attacks. You'll also want to get the summon Poelala spell (an UR GGB) as your top priority.

Move Essence Orb, Shadow Feeder Pendant and Love Potion to your active inventory as well, as they will allow you to spam SP skills (Essence) and get free turns against monsters (Pendant & Potion).

Chieftan's IronThorn and Celtic Wheel should also be in your active, as CIT gives +50% damage at the cost of some accuracy and Celtic gives a +50 boost to your INT by clicking on it.

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