RE: =DF= To War! Archive E-189-L (Full Version)

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yjjoel26 -> RE: =DF= To War! Archive E-189-L (3/24/2020 16:23:13)

Took endless tries, before I break it down by sequence

Finally can fight waves again, shall do some more before sleep


Square, Circle, Tri then Star for me

Btw there are some leftover monster after u flip the switch , couldn't get past the barrier behind it

GoddessMadoka -> RE: =DF= To War! Archive E-189-L (3/24/2020 16:29:51)

Hi everyone! This is the sequence you follow, if you're stuck.


It goes least to most blinky. The first lever will have one static light with no blinking. The second will have a blinky-static-blinky pattern. The third will be blinky-blinky-static. Finally, the fourth will be blinky-no light-blinky. I hope this helps!

ChronoEye -> RE: =DF= To War! Archive E-189-L (3/24/2020 16:33:57)

GoddessMadoka: THANK YOU! <3

GLaDOS -> RE: =DF= To War! Archive E-189-L (3/24/2020 16:37:36)


Yeah, I followed the same pattern and it worked for some reason (though the shapes seems to be randomized judging from the other replies). I still don't get why "blink-on-blink" is somehow "less blinky" than "blink-blink-on" though. This seems like a bad puzzle overall - I could have sworn in the beginning that the answer had something to do with superpositioning the lights and/or some switches overriding others, but nope...the answer is apparently "go from least blinky to most blinky" lolwut?

arcanum37 -> RE: =DF= To War! Archive E-189-L (3/24/2020 16:39:33)

How do I add spoiler tags? I can give the real answer. It's a binary logic puzzle according to Verlyrus.

Kurtz96 -> RE: =DF= To War! Archive E-189-L (3/24/2020 16:39:35)

Thanks GoddessMadoka


My issue with the puzzle is that what is considered "more" or "less" blinks. Most people worked out that the sequence was going to be either most blinks to least blinks or vice versa. But to me blink-light-blink is more "blinky" that blink-no light-blink. So I kept getting it wrong. I think speed of the lights flashing should be changed so they are more distinct for each other (so faster light flashes for more "blinky").

For spoilers use the [ spoiler ][ /spoiler ] with no spaces.


I don't see how it could be a binary puzzle is there are 3 states: flash, off, on. That is trinary.

Spoiler tags added. ~Starflame13

Alpha Centipede -> RE: =DF= To War! Archive E-189-L (3/24/2020 16:42:04)

Popping by here. I just wanna say that I actually kinda like this puzzle thing we've got going now. It's at least something different from the "standard" wars we've been getting so far.

Yes, I agree that we don't really have any obvious clues to work on, but then again, where is the fun in a puzzle that gives us hints that are obvious as day?

In the end, what matters is that there is a solution. Whether you wanna figure it out yourself, or follow someone else's solution, is up to you. No one is forcing you to figure it out yourself.

I feel that it brings a refreshing take on wars, and I'm glad Verly decided to change things up a bit to make warring less monotonous beyond the usual footwaves-catapults-supply run trio we usually get.

arcanum37 -> RE: =DF= To War! Archive E-189-L (3/24/2020 16:42:11)


These are what I had:

circle - x1x
square - xx1
star - x0x



circle=treat both blinking states as 0
square=from left to right, first is 0 and second is 1

The blinking ones can be treated as either 0 or 1.

Credit goes to Beeeen#6369 from Discord.

@Kurtz96 Thanks for telling me.

Moved all puzzle details into the spoiler tags. ~Starflame13

Starflame13 -> RE: =DF= To War! Archive E-189-L (3/24/2020 16:46:31)

Thanks for finding the solution!!!


Glad to see the solution, although I have to agree it sounds like it's going to be more to do with binary (or trinary?) systems than just relying on the blinks/frequency, but I'm bad at binary math xD

arcanum37 -> RE: =DF= To War! Archive E-189-L (3/24/2020 16:48:24)

Here's what Verly said

No one here found the secret room yet? ;)

SilverAngel -> RE: =DF= To War! Archive E-189-L (3/24/2020 17:01:13)

I think I figured it out!

Each pattern represents the last 3 digits for 1, 2, 3, and 4 in binary. It works when you keep in mind with what we learned; blanks are zero, statics are one and blinking can be either or.

1 is 001 or Blank, Blank, Static
2 is 010 or Blinking, Static, Blinking
3 is 011 or Blinking, Blinking, Static
4 is 100 or Blinking, Blank, Blinking

Vaalirus -> RE: =DF= To War! Archive E-189-L (3/24/2020 17:04:11)



You mean the room with the leftovers and the invisible wall you can't get past?

Starflame13 -> RE: =DF= To War! Archive E-189-L (3/24/2020 17:04:33)

Top of the Hour Wave Count Update

We have defeated 1,430,125 waves since the war started, 23,976 waves since the last update 60 minutes ago.

Our current speed is 399 wpm , 305 wpm faster than the last update. At this speed it will take us 9 days 16 hours 18 minutes to defeat the remaining 5,569,875 waves.

Next Milestone
We are currently at 20 percent. To reach 25 percent, we need 31,9875 more waves. At our current speed, this will take us 13 hours 20 minutes.

Star's Unofficial Deadline:
I challenge you all to finish this war in two weeks! To finish the war by Midnight (11:59pm) Server Time on Friday, April 3rd, we need a speed of 374 WPM.

Our fastest speed for this war is 489 wpm and our fastest speed for all recorded wars is 6,786 wpm which was set in the Black Winter War of 2017.

Well! Looks like everyone's taking out their puzzle frustrations on the war waves, good pace all!

Huge applause to @SilverAngel, @aracanum37, & @GoddessMadoka for sharing the solution and the reasoning behind it, and applause to everyone else who figured it out on their own whether via puzzle or brute force!

arcanum37 -> RE: =DF= To War! Archive E-189-L (3/24/2020 17:06:49)



That's the one.

LigerBeard -> RE: =DF= To War! Archive E-189-L (3/24/2020 17:48:41)

Just finished the puzzle, and for the record it was very difficult.

Honestly, while I did try to solve it on my own, I would not have been able to do it if I hadn't looked here for the answer.

Starflame13 -> RE: =DF= To War! Archive E-189-L (3/24/2020 18:03:34)

Top of the Hour Wave Count Update

We have defeated 1,466,903 waves since the war started, 36,778 waves since the last update 60 minutes ago.

Our current speed is 612 wpm , 213 wpm faster than the last update. At this speed it will take us 6 days 6 hours 26 minutes to defeat the remaining 5,533,097 waves.

Next Milestone
We are currently at 20 percent. To reach 25 percent, we need 283,097 more waves. At our current speed, this will take us 7 hours 41 minutes.

Star's Unofficial Deadline:
I challenge you all to finish this war in two weeks! To finish the war by Midnight (11:59pm) Server Time on Friday, April 3rd, we need a speed of 373 WPM.

Our fastest speed for this war is 612 wpm and our fastest speed for all recorded wars is 6,786 wpm which was set in the Black Winter War of 2017.

New record!!!

Maybe we need puzzles more often, they seem to motivate us to murder more waves...

ergotth -> RE: =DF= To War! Archive E-189-L (3/24/2020 18:50:45)

@SilverAngel Thank you so much! You're a genius.

Starflame13 -> RE: =DF= To War! Archive E-189-L (3/24/2020 19:01:26)

Top of the Hour Wave Count Update

We have defeated 1,502,792 waves since the war started, 35,889 waves since the last update 60 minutes ago.

Our current speed is 598 wpm , 13 wpm slower than the last update. At this speed it will take us 6 days 9 hours 10 minutes to defeat the remaining 5,497,208 waves.

Next Milestone
We are currently at 21 percent. To reach 25 percent, we need 247,208 more waves. At our current speed, this will take us 6 hours 53 minutes.

Star's Unofficial Deadline:
I challenge you all to finish this war in two weeks! To finish the war by Midnight (11:59pm) Server Time on Friday, April 3rd, we need a speed of 373 WPM.

Our fastest speed for this war is 612 wpm and our fastest speed for all recorded wars is 6,786 wpm which was set in the Black Winter War of 2017.

Looking good! Can we hit 25% today?

anime_rpg -> RE: =DF= To War! Archive E-189-L (3/24/2020 19:02:52)

While I solved it after my first reset it looks like I did it by luck. That is clever of Verly.


Although blinking can either be 0 or 1 but at the same time it isn't e.g. each blinking is specifically either 0 or 1 but which it is is hidden from you and you just have to figure it out - basically ignore the blinking and treat the rest as binary.

For a further breakdown of StarAngel's post, bear in mind it is showing the sequence so the numbers are 1 - 4:

Blank, Blank, Static - 1, nothing hidden
Blinking, Static, Blinking - 2 or 3 (or 6/7 but capped at 4)
Blinking, Blinking, Static - 1 or 3 (or ...), cannot be 1 so 3
Blinking, Blank, Blinking - 1 or 4 (or ...), cannot be 1 so 4

I am glad this is just the first puzzle and that there will be more.

GLaDOS -> RE: =DF= To War! Archive E-189-L (3/24/2020 19:20:42)

Regarding the secret room:

Is anyone able to go to it again after finding it for the first time? I can't seem to reproduce it even though I followed the same procedure - find the correct lever sequence, go to the lever in the other room then go back to the previous screen. It would be nice to for someone to post a screenshot in here for posterity.

Starflame13 -> RE: =DF= To War! Archive E-189-L (3/24/2020 19:25:47)


The secret room isnt lever dependent, I believe! Poke around near the star room and keep an eye on the reflections in the floor for clues.

GLaDOS -> RE: =DF= To War! Archive E-189-L (3/24/2020 19:39:48)

Ah I see it now. Thanks for the hint!


I'm posting a screenshot of the secret room for archiving purposes (this war is supposed to be about an archive after all :P):

Starflame13 -> RE: =DF= To War! Archive E-189-L (3/24/2020 20:02:11)

Top of the Hour Wave Count Update

We have defeated 1,518,051 waves since the war started, 15,259 waves since the last update 60 minutes ago.

Our current speed is 254 wpm , 343 wpm slower than the last update. At this speed it will take us 14 days 23 hours 15 minutes to defeat the remaining 5,481,949 waves.

Next Milestone
We are currently at 21 percent. To reach 25 percent, we need 231,949 more waves. At our current speed, this will take us 15 hours 12 minutes.

Star's Unofficial Deadline:
I challenge you all to finish this war in two weeks! To finish the war by Midnight (11:59pm) Server Time on Friday, April 3rd, we need a speed of 374 WPM.

Our fastest speed for this war is 612 wpm and our fastest speed for all recorded wars is 6,786 wpm which was set in the Black Winter War of 2017.

Whelp, must be time for dinner break! I'm hungry for some leftovers...

hellblade124 -> RE: =DF= To War! Archive E-189-L (3/24/2020 20:48:15)

i can not figure out this puzzle for the life of me and its quite frustrating

Starflame13 -> RE: =DF= To War! Archive E-189-L (3/24/2020 21:01:44)

Top of the Hour Wave Count Update

We have defeated 1,525,212 waves since the war started, 7,161 waves since the last update 60 minutes ago.

Our current speed is 119 wpm , 134 wpm slower than the last update. At this speed it will take us 31 days 20 hours 31 minutes to defeat the remaining 5,474,788 waves.

Next Milestone
We are currently at 21 percent. To reach 25 percent, we need 224,788 more waves. At our current speed, this will take us 1 days 7 hours 23 minutes.

Star's Unofficial Deadline:
I challenge you all to finish this war in two weeks! To finish the war by Midnight (11:59pm) Server Time on Friday, April 3rd, we need a speed of 375 WPM.

Our fastest speed for this war is 612 wpm and our fastest speed for all recorded wars is 6,786 wpm which was set in the Black Winter War of 2017.

1001 on my main character! Time to level up my alternate which... will slow me down a tad. Monsters are a bit tougher when you're only level 15.

@hellblade124 - if you're ok with it, you can look at some of the spoilers earlier on this page where people discuss the puzzle and its solutions!

Top of the Hour Wave Count Update - 10pm Server Time

We have defeated 1,533,723 waves since the war started, 8,511 waves since the last update 60 minutes ago.

Our current speed is 141 wpm , 22 wpm faster than the last update. At this speed it will take us 26 days 18 hours 15 minutes to defeat the remaining 5,466,277 waves.

Next Milestone
We are currently at 21 percent. To reach 25 percent, we need 2162,77 more waves. At our current speed, this will take us 1 days 1 hours 24 minutes.

Star's Unofficial Deadline:
I challenge you all to finish this war in two weeks! To finish the war by Midnight (11:59pm) Server Time on Friday, April 3rd, we need a speed of 376 WPM.

Our fastest speed for this war is 612 wpm and our fastest speed for all recorded wars is 6,786 wpm which was set in the Black Winter War of 2017.

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