"Nulgath" Quest (Full Version)

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Harukun -> "Nulgath" Quest (3/27/2020 14:39:46)

I've been trying to farm the mana elemental for two hours now, and it hasn't dropped once. I haven't played in a year and a half, so I don't know if they've made changes to this quest I've only recently come back and I haven't checked what changes may have been made. Did they, by any chance, reduce the drop rate for this from farming the mana elemental not to be confused for the mana golem? The Mana Golem has dropped the item already, so I'm good with that piece, but how come the mana elemental hasn't dropped the charged mana energy at all?

Metakirby -> RE: "Nulgath" Quest (3/27/2020 16:07:51)

Back in mid January of this year, Larvae, Drudgen and Crag got buffed, and in the case of Larvae, the quest requirement also changed slightly:

Nulgath (Larvae)

Description Updated

Mana Energy for Nulgath is no longer a temporary item

Charged Mana Energy for Nulgath removed from Mana Elemental, now drops from all mobs in /elemental (except Mana Golem)

Blood Gem of the Archfiend has been added to the drop pool at a 2% drop rate

Amount of Tainted Gem awarded increased to 2, drop rate increased to 40%

Amount of Dark Crystal Shard awarded increased to 2

Amount of Diamond of Nulgath awarded increased to 2, drop rate increased to 50%

Full Design Note about the changes: https://www.aq.com/gamedesignnotes/crulon2020birthday-7733

Note that a couple smaller changes also happened a little bit later, such as Diamond Exchange from Crag no requiring 15 Diamonds instead of 3. You can always check the current versions of the quests from the various pets on the wiki if you're in doubt.

Harukun -> RE: "Nulgath" Quest (3/27/2020 16:27:47)

Thank you I did not know that I've been farming trying thinking you still earn it from that. I actually checked the wiki, but it seems like they haven't updated it

Metakirby -> RE: "Nulgath" Quest (3/27/2020 19:00:17)

The Nulgath Larvae wiki page is updated to reflect the changes: http://aqwwiki.wikidot.com/nulgath-larvae-s-quests
However the Mini King Klunk wiki page doesn't seem like it's updated: http://aqwwiki.wikidot.com/mini-king-klunk-s-quests
It possibly just flew under the radar, since most people would probably not even have King Klunk nowadays, nor was it mentioned in any of the change logs.

Harukun -> RE: "Nulgath" Quest (3/28/2020 15:25:11)

Thanks, I really appreciate the response and yes I actually do have mini king Klunk sort of a rare collector and prefer pets like it that are rare compared to ones you can easily get like nulgath larvae

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