Old class updates? (Full Version)

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Asollan -> Old class updates? (3/30/2020 10:37:53)

Just wondering if theres been anything confirmed about dracomancer or other old classes getting update

Dracomancer in particular is one of my favorite classes and i tried building my character around it for a long time but obviously it just cant cut it. So I was curious as to any werepyre level updates coming to it as well as other old classes?

Lv 1000 -> RE: Old class updates? (3/30/2020 11:15:26)

The only classes that we know are slated for overhauls in the future are Necromancer and Paladin.

Asollan -> RE: Old class updates? (3/30/2020 11:22:28)

i woulda expected them at least I guess.

Oh well guess it'll go another decade or so of suffering my poor baby QQ

Dekoras -> RE: Old class updates? (3/30/2020 15:05:55)

As stated, we have no idea or confirmation if the old classes will be updated any time soon. However, I see a lot of people advocating for this, so hopefully the staff is taking note and plans to make it a priority at some point.

If you haven't seen already, the subraces (vamp, werewolf and werepyre) have all been updated and are extremely good. I definitely recommend checking them out!

theBatMan -> RE: Old class updates? (4/1/2020 10:42:01)

Has anything been revamped besides Werewolf? I've been out of it for a few years.
EDIT: As in any classes?

Asollan -> RE: Old class updates? (4/1/2020 10:53:06)

Yeah if you read the replies werewolf, vampire, and werepyre have all had updates. I think vampire hunter was updated to shadow slayer too a long time ago

theBatMan -> RE: Old class updates? (4/1/2020 11:34:37)

Oh snap! Currently doing Werepyre and it's incredible.
EDIT: Just found out it's not good for Warriors. :(

Asollan -> RE: Old class updates? (4/2/2020 0:18:24)

Werewolf = warrior
Vampire = mage
Werepyre = Hybrid

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