FO Ranger (Full Version)

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protector415 -> FO Ranger (4/17/2020 5:22:30)

What are the best weapons for an FO Ranger right now? I like my build right now but Bloodzerker Blades get pretty boring after some time. I'd like to change my equipment every once in a while.

Thanks in advance.

Shiba -> RE: FO Ranger (4/17/2020 6:05:50)

No offense but if you're bored of your FO warrior rn, you will be bored with an FO ranger, too.

Different weapons, same skills.

Primate Murder -> RE: FO Ranger (4/17/2020 6:58:22)

Pretty much what Shiba said - FO Ranger is just an FO warrior that limits itself to Ranged weapons. Still, sometimes limitations can be interesting, so:

Fire is the most underwhelming of elements as far as ranged weapons go. At best, Grakma Flayer makes an attack when you miss.

Your Pike Pike is the strongest as far as pure damage goes, one of the two weapons still dealing +25% damage, though it uses Cha in place of Luck for stats. Alternatively, you can change your Bladeof Briar to its ranged version for the skill.

Airenal's Lance compresses the armorwith the strongest wind skill in the game. For pure damage, Kaze Shamrock Naginata has an increased LS rate.

Shattershard Glaive (from Frostgale Part 1) is a bloodspear, dealing bonus damage for anhp cost.

Your Gloom Glaive toggles between earth and harm.

Thunder Lord's Spear (ranged version of Thundersplitter) has an autohit mode, which makesit a great utility weapon - and when you don't autohit, it still inflicts an hp-cost burn!

Zealot is still the best light weapon in terms of pure damage, though you may want to try out Zakiya's Spear for the skill or Alchemical Unity for a damage-based Blind.

Likewise, Agony's Embrace remains the top darkness weapon, but Infinita Staff is great against mooks, recovering a notable portion of your sp.

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