Blood Mages (Full Version)

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Steroided -> Blood Mages (4/19/2020 18:22:59)

This Post is not about Celtic Gear Blood Mages. Making this new Post to focus only on the Blood Mage class by itself in 1v1 PvP and overall use. I am not a Varium user or Pay-to-win.

It's a known fact that Blood Mages are the weakest and worst in the entire game. That's if you don't have Celtic Gear. I will admit it is one of the best classes for fighting the regular NPCs and Ally Linked bosses, but besides that, the Blood Mage class seems to be getting next to help or Support that it needs. This class most will most likely lose to all other classes in 1v1 PvP if not using a Strength build. (Even though there are 2 Malicious trolls on this Forum, Lord Ginger and Foulman, who will say otherwise.) But I will admit, that using a non-Strength Blood Mage build in 1v1 is pointless and not the brightest idea. I just don't think I should be forced to drop 25,000 credits everytime I want to play a decent non-Strength build. I understand the Balance of classes is to make each of them unique on the 4 Skill Trees, so no single build rules. Blood Mages are the only class in the entire game, that if they dont use their intended Skill Tree (Strength), will suffer more severly than any other class and risk auto losing in 1v1 Matches. While its skills does make the class unique, I think its still poor class design to do this.

Blood Mages are forced to use a Strength build or they risk automatically losing to Tanks, Support builds, Strength builds, Focus builds, and heal loops. Due to Reroute upgrade, it's even harder to beat Tech Mages and Tactical Mercenarys now. Also, Cyber Hunters heal loop still exists. With Energy Parasites cooldown at 4 and Static Charges cooldown at 3. Having the worst Energy Skill in the entire game on the worst class with a cooldown of 4. While the best Energy Skill in the entire game has a cooldown of 3. I have asked several times for the Blood Mage to recieve help in order for them to not automatically lose against Heal loops by all other classes. (Energy regain then heal, Energy steal then heal, Energy booster then heal, Static Charge heal loop, Reroute&Assm heal looping, Static Grenade then heal, Static Smash then heal.) I am unsure if non-Strength Blood Mages will ever be playable in 1v1 due to this.

Blood Mages are at an unfair disadvantage against all Tank builds. No debuffs to stop Tanks due to bad balance ideas offered by players. Normal Blood Mage Strength builds cannot beat regular Tank builds. You need Varium to even stand a chance against the Tanks as BM. I actually used Blood Mage Strength build the majority of me being a Blood Mage. I got tired of being forced to play Strength or just lose to other classes, due to the class lacking in multiple Skills that every single other class has at least 2 of. You can pick Armor passives, buffs/debuffs, Energy Manipulation, or just plain damage dealt, and Blood Mages are lacking in all of it. And that was before the Developers nerfed Blood Mage Strength builds. The Developers of this game also incorrectly gave Blood Mages a passive "Deadly Aim" to counter Armor Passives. Armor passives still permanently tank more Damage than the "Deadly Aim" can possibly increase. And they reduce damage on every single other attack just the same, so a maxed Deadly aim, is quite literally is still worse than making up for the damage loss due to Armor Passives. Not to mention if they deflect it.

Armor Passives are the main cause of inbalance in the entire game. The Developers incorrectly made Armor Passives a permanent reduction of all Damage for absolutely free, without making a permanent increase of all (or at least some) Damage Skill for free for the other classes to use against them. Or giving all other classes some sort of similiar unique but actually useful passive. It is not fair playing against Armor Passives if not using one yourself, being forced to use Energy every single time to derease a permanent buff they get for free if you want to do the same damage that they can do to you. What happens when you run out of Energy or they steal your Energy? What happens if they have a debuff and armor passive and you have none?

I just strongly suggest Armor passives get a slight reduction to their Maximum. Max 20% increase for Plasma/Mineral Armor and 15% for Hybrid. These tank builds are literally sitting on their Passives without having to worry about losing if not debuffed. They're 100% permanent, and free forever. The reason many people choose to Tank is to beat Stat abuse builds. Stat abuse builds (that are not varium only) are not the issue. Every pure Stat abuse build in the entire game without exception can be beaten by making a free anti-spam stat build for it. As seen, Dex TM builds are beating TLMs and some BM Strengths right now. This is quite literally the definition of balance on Epicduel, make counter build for whats winning to win yourself. There have been 2 players who just recently tried using the Epicduel Balance Forum to get their class to reach unrivaled levels of broken so they can easily farm wins until someone notices. Not what I am doing, I am asking for support for Non-Strength Blood Mages. I am tired of waiting with no hope of this class being anything but Skull Cracker abuse. Losing most games on the sole basis that the class lacks Energy Manipulation, Buffs, Debuffs, or even decent Passives.

This is why the game was more balanced when Celtic Gear was first released, rather than it was when Cyber Hunters had EMP and everyone was either a Tank or using Strength/Support. Because the Strength/Support builds have to worry about getting blocked, deflected, counter builds, or running out of energy, and can be easily countered with a anti-spam build. Rather than the Tanks be winning, and literally unbeatable by Strength and Support builds. Strength/Support builds have to worry about deflections and blocks, as the entire purpose of them existing. Tanks do not. They win no matter who they face due to permanent free damage reduction. The reason why I suggest armor passive reduction knowing Spam builds will increase, is that they all require a bit of luck to win and play. Having an armor passive to permanently reduce all damage recieved from all attacks is way more powerful than getting a lucky block against a Strength build in non-Tank builds. That is why Tanks are so broken. There no point in playing any class besides TLM, CH, or Mercenary, unless you have the Varium to back it up or specific Seasonal and Limited Rares.

My Blood Mage Balance ideas:
Fireball needs to be removed, replaced with usable skill. Fireball is quite literally the worst Skill in the entire game. On the worst class. Change to a low Energy cost weaker Strike to ignore % defense like Crippling Strike would probably be best.

Blood Shield to increase by 20 points or decrease cost by 40 HP. Not worth using against Malfunction mid-game/waste of a turn if used without going first or being debuffed. Or swap it for Technician/Energy Shield.

Plasma Cannon is quite literally the only useful Skill on the entire class keeping it alive.

Return stun to Brutal Strike. Make it unblockable. Blood Mages do not have debuffs.

Reflex Boost should increase with Tech, Tank BM doesn't exist. Blood Mages do not have armor passives. 0 Dex Skills.

Deadly Aim is useless against Tanks. Should be swapped for a 15-20% Reroute now that I think about it. Would solve most issues with Blood Mages. Would heavily nerf BM Strength and Celtic Gear BM, but still help the class be usable overall. BM won't be an Energy class due to this. It would only provides basic support

Energy Parasite cooldown to 3 or a small buff, if the previous suggestion doesn't see the light of day.

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