Z-Blade Scythe at 150 (Full Version)

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battlesiege15 -> Z-Blade Scythe at 150 (4/23/2020 12:08:36)

Does Z Blade Scythe have any bonuses at level 150?

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Z-Blade Scythe at 150 (4/23/2020 15:08:46)

This what it gives at 150

Level	PowLvl	DmgMel	DmgMag	BTH		SBR	SLS	SBTH
140	143	15-46	12-34	18		473.67	348	52
141	144	15-47	12-34	18		474.33	350	53
142	145	15-47	12-34	18		475	352.33	53
143	146	16-46	12-35	18		475.67	354.67	53
144	147	16-46	12-35	18		476.33	356.67	53
145	148	16-47	12-35	19		476.67	359	53
146	149	16-47	12-35	19		477.33	361	53
147	150	16-47	12-35	19		477.67	363.33	53
148	151	16-48	12-36	19		478	365.67	53
149	152	16-48	12-36	19		478	367.67	54
150	153	16-48	12-36	19		478.33	370	54

It probably isn't worth using considering how many better options there are out there

battlesiege15 -> RE: Z-Blade Scythe at 150 (4/23/2020 15:35:07)

Yeah, I didn't see any updated posts about it. Most scaling items these days have a damage boost at least at end game but I guess it is technically a level 140 weapon that scales as it's MC. And sadly, that's true but I love the art on the weapon [:)][:)]

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