SP skills which use STR (Full Version)

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Well -> SP skills which use STR (4/26/2020 17:32:15)


I have abandonned the idea of 'build' for a longtime and currently I am trying to setup my build. As I want to make full use of STR, I am looking for SP skills which uses STR.

In my fading memory there is one STR spell and it is in my inventory slots. However, after searching for forum wiki, I still cannot find it.

Would you please help me?

Thank you!

Legendary Ash -> RE: SP skills which use STR (4/26/2020 18:42:40)

Skill Scrolls from Skill Scrolls Tower of Techniques

Well -> RE: SP skills which use STR (4/27/2020 4:14:08)

Thank you! I didn't even know this quest
Still I think there is one older spell which uses STR as stat...

Shiba -> RE: SP skills which use STR (4/27/2020 5:41:00)

You're probably thinking of your Meteorbak!

Well -> RE: SP skills which use STR (4/27/2020 5:44:52)

oh!!!Thank you! It is exactly what I am looking for!

I'll consider spell scrolls as well, since they have more elements

Add: Meteorbak added to my active inv, will remove that defence quick-cast to get another STR damage spell

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