How does Zealot's Wrath LUKy Strike mod work? (Full Version)

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sportsman192 -> How does Zealot's Wrath LUKy Strike mod work? (4/27/2020 23:44:15)

Particularly asking about the ranged and magic modes that increase LUKy strike rate.

Basic question: Is the LUKy Strike rate multiplier an actual multiplier or is it additive. You know, like we all have a base 10% chance so it says *1.5 for ranged mode but it functions as a +5%? In other words, does it check your LUKy strike chance and calc it out or does it just assume your base and add +5%?

The other question is order of operations when it comes to multiple modifiers. For instance, you can use Jalek's Panic Reaver to boost your LUKy strike rate for a couple of turns.
If you use werewolf form you can stack snarls and get up to like 80% extra LS rate with enough fear%. Once you get to +56.6% LS rate boost (66.6% total with base), Zealot's ranged mode multiplier of *1.5 should get you to 100%, a guaranteed LS. Although I've been ABOVE this threshold at like +59.#% and I've seen non-LS hits when using the ranged mode.

So its either broken or the order of operations is off from what I expected. One answer could be that it multiplies your base 10% LS rate ONLY. This would have put me in my test example at around 75% total which is reasonable to see non-LS hits.

This would be a real let down and honestly misleading. The infosubs state multipliers but if the above is true then its no better than +5% LS rate. This may have just been an oversight, as there were only a handful of equipment that synergized with ZW when it came out, and therefore may not have been considered how it might interact with other LS mod items. I digress, I don't actually have an answer so I won't continue speculating.

I figured I should bring this up just in case there is some unintended function happening here that would be devaluing a package item. Perhaps someone can clear up how it is supposed to function and whether it actually is functioning as intended.


Legendary Ash -> RE: How does Zealot's Wrath LUKy Strike mod work? (4/28/2020 0:57:22)

Luk modifiers repeated the same history as normal damage boosts despite additive being the current standard at the time, it started with multiplicative then the Devs recognized that it caused unintended inflation and as a result shifted to additive.

The Red and Blue Server Saps were the first items to adjust Lucky strike rate and damage that produced the same average before GGBs introduced several weapons that had Lucky strike rate/damage MCs that were multiplicative with the base 10% rate. This didn't produce any problems initially as there were no other sources of Luck modifiers to cause inflation. But with the release of other categories of equipment with such MCs, they recognized the problem and made all modifiers from that date forward additive.

The information from the item's entries should be correctly indicating it is multiplicative or additive, so to calculate, multiply base rate by multiplicatives, then added the additives to the total.

sportsman192 -> RE: How does Zealot's Wrath LUKy Strike mod work? (4/28/2020 9:47:04)

Thanks for the fast reply and thorough explanation Ash, as always. *ThumbsUp

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