Robed Crusader's 3D Art Gallery (Full Version)

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Fighting dragon -> Robed Crusader's 3D Art Gallery (5/1/2020 11:02:29)

Decided to get into 3D software a while back, would love to hear any feedback and/or suggestions

Fighting dragon -> RE: Robed Crusader's 3D Art Gallery (5/1/2020 11:05:09)

Learning how to color eyes with 3d software

link to fullsize:


Fighting dragon -> RE: Robed Crusader's 3D Art Gallery (5/1/2020 12:11:03)

Figuring out how to make trees added another layer of respect I have for the AQ3D art crew

Link to fullsize and closeups:


Fighting dragon -> RE: Robed Crusader's 3D Art Gallery (5/1/2020 12:34:45)

This gallery needs some variation in its trees, here's some birch.

Link to fullsize and closeups:


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