Sylveonxy123 -> RE: =DF= May 1st Design Notes: Displaced Fates Part 2: Tainted Time (5/2/2020 2:48:20)
I will say, this new challenge isn't as hard as a few of the more recent challenges, but god does their gimmicks combined make going for En and Tropy 1st annoying, still an enjoyable fight overall after passing that hurdle. I lost i think like 9 or 10 times just bc rng either didn't stun if stuff was off time, my accuracy was lowered thanks to Dr. When, or I was stunned by When, or had my cooldowns extended by When allowing Tropy (the 1 I wanted dead 1st because of her defense stacking) to heal a LOT of hp making the run impossible with my strategy. My strategy was to run Artix and Raven as guests (Artix for just high dps, and Raven for her stun if i needed it.) Then while En and Tropy was alive, run a high darkness build which used: Class: Doomknight (Not V1, to be honest I didn't even know that V1 was usable b4 it was reported here as I just automatically assume its not + I don't use it casually ever.) Weapon: Ultra Omniknight Blade (With Blade of Awe shown.) Cape: Wings of The Thousand Flames Ring: Malifact's DOOM Helm: Doomknight Helm Belt: Unhallowed Deathknight Belt Necklace: Unhallowed Deathknight Necklace Trinket: Uaanta's Blaster IV (Charging) Bracer: Legion Bracer/Any Epoch Artifact Pet: Dragon (200 Protection, 200 Magic, Whatever I had left in Mischief) So what I did was just try to nuke Tropy down as quickly as possible to the point where I could kill her, then use Unleash on Tropy so En wouldnt nuke me after Tropy died, then use Spikes to kill Tropy, then attempt to stun En (My winning run didnt stun him.) Use Corrupt tolower En's light resistance by 50 I believe since he is a human enemy. And when Unleashed is ready to be used, use it to hopefully 1 shot En. After that I swapped to my generic All Resistance build which is: Weapon: Ultra Omniknight Blade Cape: Cape of the Thousand Flames Ring: Void Chitin Band IV Helm: Fierce Dragonlord Helm Necklace: Leaf of Flux III Belt: Warding Girdle: Trinket: Uaanta's Blaster IV (Charging) (Cant swap in battle.) Bracer: Legion Bracer: Pet: Dragon (200 Protection, 200 Magic, Whatever I had left in Mischief) Then to kill Dr. When I just used Corrupt when I could to deal bonus damage to him to lower his all resistance as quickly as possible as his all resistance gets lower the less hp he has (basically the Sepulchure challenge but in reverse), and from there it was basically a free fight till the finish. Victory Image: