Can i test out a class before getting it with the IODA? (Full Version)

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incinerator4 -> Can i test out a class before getting it with the IODA? (5/11/2020 12:16:44)

I don't know exactly where to post/ask this, would it be possible to have a class added to my inventory for like a week to try it out before i want to decide if i really want to spend my IODA on it?

second slightly related question, even though you can't get heromart items with the IODA, would i be able to get the Chrono Dragon Knight because it's technically not in the heromart shop?

G Man -> RE: Can i test out a class before getting it with the IODA? (5/11/2020 13:24:36)

Fist question: AFAIK, the answer is no, you just have to look up/ask around for info on the class, and make a decision by what you see on paper.
Second question: No, as it requires a non AC/outside the game purchase.

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