=DF= Design Notes May 22th, 2020 - The Shears: Rose Pajamas (Full Version)

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Elryn -> =DF= Design Notes May 22th, 2020 - The Shears: Rose Pajamas (5/22/2020 21:54:39)



The Shears: Rose Pajamas
Hey there, heroes!

This week in DragonFable, we return to The Shears! During Book 3's main story, when you infiltrated The Rose Prison, Espina Rosa, under the guise of the soldier Edd, you met many new faces, and even came to consider some of them... friends. Now, just a short time later, you wonder just what they could be up to in your absence.


Head over to The Shears and speak to Sir Leon to play this week's quest: Rose Pajamas!

Bugfix: Fixed a bug where a new Alexander or Ash Dragonblade character could access the Prologue.

Flabagast -> RE: =DF= Design Notes May 22th, 2020 - The Shears: Rose Pajamas (5/23/2020 2:47:56)

Man, it's good to see Sam and the gang again...


Vince also hasn't changed a bit. XD
Looks like zardberry tea addiction is pretty rough too. Hate to wake up looking like that!

Dratomos -> RE: =DF= Design Notes May 22th, 2020 - The Shears: Rose Pajamas (5/23/2020 3:20:08)

I didn't expect this at all. Very enjoyable side story. More quests like this yes.


And that ending. I felt that. Can't wait for that rewrite for Espina Rosa.

Primate Murder -> RE: =DF= Design Notes May 22th, 2020 - The Shears: Rose Pajamas (5/23/2020 3:24:59)

A wholly lighthearted, fun and enjoyable side quest.

...I didn't expect that ending, though. Kudos.

LurkBlackSmith -> RE: =DF= Design Notes May 22th, 2020 - The Shears: Rose Pajamas (5/24/2020 23:18:59)

A good lighthearted quest,fun,enjoyable quest.

So will we get another quest with Rose prison espina rosa doing the laundry and fishing giant flying piranhas?

Oh yeah, any chances we'll get another quest of the cheese maker running around delivering cheese to the alliance?

spirit of greed -> RE: =DF= Design Notes May 22th, 2020 - The Shears: Rose Pajamas (5/26/2020 15:20:37)

To be honest i had my doubts when i saw the release. i thought it was one of those goofy filler quests what doesn't give anything to the Lore. Turnes out liked it really much at the end. It was a nice lighthearted quest, didn't realized how much i wanted to see Sam and the rest of them. I hope we see them soon enough again.


The ending absolutely blown me away! It was both sad and wholesome. I really hope they forgive us and we can make peace with them in the future.

Vaalirus -> RE: =DF= Design Notes May 22th, 2020 - The Shears: Rose Pajamas (5/28/2020 0:17:35)


There's not really much for them to forgive at the moment since they have no memory that the Edd they spent two weeks with and have grown to respect was actually us unless of course in the future it comes to the point where the truth of our deception is revealed to them in its entirety.

Should the event occur though it will be interesting to see their reactions to our actions though I'm a little more curious as to their reactions to the possibility of Edd actually waking up considering that he would have no memory and his medical condition made it very likely that he wouldn't be the same person once he woke up.

I imagine seeing him in that state would be like seeing a close friend or family member dealing with dementia or extensive brain damage that causes their personality to change.

spirit of greed -> RE: =DF= Design Notes May 22th, 2020 - The Shears: Rose Pajamas (5/29/2020 9:10:42)


I know they don't remember the hero but i'm sure sooner or later we meet them again in the story and they will know the truth then. When that time comes i hope they forgive us and we can be friends with them

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