=DF= May 29th Design Notes: Book 3: Sulen'Eska Reimagined: Part 1 (Full Version)

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Peachii -> =DF= May 29th Design Notes: Book 3: Sulen'Eska Reimagined: Part 1 (5/29/2020 20:22:32)


Book 3: Sulen'Eska Reimagined: Part 1

Hey there, heroes!

This week, we have our monthly Reimagined release for you to enjoy in Part 1 of our deep dive into Sulen'Eska!


So, what's changed?

This week, we've covered the section of Sulen'Eska going from entering the camp to completing the quest: Smoke in the Trees.

The detailed changes are as follows:
  • Lotaali Vero has swapped places with Ogorek.
  • Lotaali Vero is now introduced when you first enter Sulen'Eska. This introduction can be replayed by talking to Lotaali about your first meeting.
  • Lotaali Vero now has more dialogue, and has had old dialogue rewritten.
  • The quest "Border Dungeon" has been removed.
  • Ogorek now has more dialogue, and old dialogue has been rewritten. Elanee as well.
  • Paina Jainen now has more dialogue, and old dialogue has been rewritten.
  • Groft Nyori and Virta Juonet now have more dialogue, and old dialogue has been rewritten.
  • When meeting Kara for the first time, she has a new lengthy introduction dialogue and conversation.
  • Kara also has new dialogue and Talk options.
  • The quests Song on the Wind, Swirl of Colour, and Dancing Breeze have been removed from the main quest line. These will be adjusted and made available again in the future from other members of the Vind as optional quests.
  • The quest Smoke in the Trees has been rewritten. There may be a slight disconnect with the following quest, Rescue of Elanee, until that quest is rewritten as well.
  • The correct path in Smoke in the Trees has been made more clear that it is an option for the player to go.
  • Kara is automatically added as a guest in Smoke in the Trees.

This was our first foray into reworking early Sulen'Eska. We have plans for much more, including more npc rewrites/additions, new configuration/art for Sulen'Eska, and better organization and access for future quests in the main story. Oh, and a continuation of the quest rewrites! We look forward to your feedback, and hope we can make Book 3 much more enjoyable and interesting to play through.

Also this week, we have a couple of updates and bug fixes.
  • The cloth parts of Paladin armor are now color custom.
  • Fixed issues with the quest "Impersonator" where the wrong monsters were showing up and monsters were not scaling.

Finally, next month is DragonFable's anniversary month, which means anniversary celebrations!

Starting at midnight server time on June 1st, daily quests will reward 10 Dragon Coins per day, instead of 3 for the entire month of June.

Later that week, anniversary scythes will return, and we have much more in store for the coming month.

Also, note that this is the last week to get The Tulip's gear from the Book of Lore before it leaves!

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Tags: Verlyrus

Jovan -> RE: =DF= May 29th Design Notes: Book 3: Sulen'Eska Reimagined: Part 1 (5/29/2020 20:37:15)

I don't see the point of a reimagining of Sulen'eska. The quest chain is pretty straightforward, and has enough dialogue. Aren't reimaginings meant to straighten out confusing questlines and update old areas?

Stephen Nix -> RE: =DF= May 29th Design Notes: Book 3: Sulen'Eska Reimagined: Part 1 (5/29/2020 20:52:15)

Right but this is Part 1 of the re-imagine for Sulen'eska with more to come, it's more to get the ball rolling. This is a very big area to work with and I think this is a great start on this process!

Also seeing The quest Smoke in the Trees has been rewritten with new Level 90 rewards is also awesome.

Great release. wac wwwwwaaaaaacccc waaaacccccc

Verlyrus -> RE: =DF= May 29th Design Notes: Book 3: Sulen'Eska Reimagined: Part 1 (5/29/2020 21:34:52)


I don't see the point of a reimagining of Sulen'eska. The quest chain is pretty straightforward, and has enough dialogue. Aren't reimaginings meant to straighten out confusing questlines and update old areas?

Many players agree that early Sulen'Eska is some of the roughest parts of the game. If we want to grow as a game and a community, we have to make sure the foundations are solid, or else nothing will ever be able to stand. "Just get through this part and you'll get to the good stuff" isn't a good excuse for not making good content, no matter how straightforward it may seem (which in this case, it really wasn't).

For example, before the reworks, a new player would be unfrozen, tossed into this world where everyone recognizes them but they don't know anyone, help out some random person infiltrate The Rose, then suddenly know someone named Sielu and their friends, assume and know out of nowhere that The Rose is committing horrible acts, and then join the Vind based off that. Yeah it's confusing.
There's so much weirdness going on in early Sulen'Eska that it really throws off the rest of the Book. And I really can't stand it.

LigerBeard -> RE: =DF= May 29th Design Notes: Book 3: Sulen'Eska Reimagined: Part 1 (5/29/2020 21:42:36)

While I'm excited for the Sulen'Eska update, that's going to have to come in second to the now color custom fabric and gem of the Paladin class!

Truly, your generosity is only equal to your eye for quality!

Vikken101 -> RE: =DF= May 29th Design Notes: Book 3: Sulen'Eska Reimagined: Part 1 (5/29/2020 22:47:02)


Aren't reimaginings meant to straighten out confusing questlines

Yeah, that's what early to middle Sulen Eska is lol
At the least, its certainly not something i would describe as quality writing, so i am glad Verly is finally getting to changing it.

DemonicDarkwraith -> RE: =DF= May 29th Design Notes: Book 3: Sulen'Eska Reimagined: Part 1 (5/29/2020 23:11:25)

Really enjoyed this update. One of the bigger offenders of early Sulen'Eska was it throws way too many new characters on you that you don't care about them in the first place. This update marks the beginning on solving the many problems of this questline by removing the first few quests as it disrupts the flow of the overall narrative, expanding certain NPCs' dialogues and course correcting certain ones like Kara, Akanthus and Carat to fit with the current narrative that will be slowly expand into future Book 3 Reimagined updates. I also really like the new additions to the worldbuilding in early Book 3 like


that the Wind Elves came from Dreamwood and the Vind have their base of operations before Sulen'Eska called the Sanctuary that the Rose unfortunately got ransacked a while back.

Jovan -> RE: =DF= May 29th Design Notes: Book 3: Sulen'Eska Reimagined: Part 1 (5/30/2020 0:17:48)


Many players agree that early Sulen'Eska is some of the roughest parts of the game. If we want to grow as a game and a community, we have to make sure the foundations are solid, or else nothing will ever be able to stand. "Just get through this part and you'll get to the good stuff" isn't a good excuse for not making good content, no matter how straightforward it may seem (which in this case, it really wasn't).

For example, before the reworks, a new player would be unfrozen, tossed into this world where everyone recognizes them but they don't know anyone, help out some random person infiltrate The Rose, then suddenly know someone named Sielu and their friends, assume and know out of nowhere that The Rose is committing horrible acts, and then join the Vind based off that. Yeah it's confusing.
There's so much weirdness going on in early Sulen'Eska that it really throws off the rest of the Book. And I really can't stand it. ]

Fair, I guess.

Dratomos -> RE: =DF= May 29th Design Notes: Book 3: Sulen'Eska Reimagined: Part 1 (5/30/2020 2:44:19)

What a great release. I started a new character to play DF from the beginning and now that I've been playing early bits of Book 3, these updates are more than welcome.

The early Sulen'Eska parts were never that great, especially when compared to Tomix Saga: Aspar and Calamity. I'm glad to see that these reimagined releases fix that and showcases much early that The Rose isn't as "black and white" -threat as Mysterious Stranger or Wargoth were.

Also, as someone who lives in Finland, some of these names in Sulen'Eska are nice touch and makes me wonder how they were chosen.

Flabagast -> RE: =DF= May 29th Design Notes: Book 3: Sulen'Eska Reimagined: Part 1 (5/30/2020 3:43:42)

This really cleared things up a lot more. The Hero has a firm reason to join the Vind now, and it seems the Rose is more polarised.

You made Akanthus a lot more brutal, while making Kara more compassionate for the Clawkin and understanding of the Hero's ignorance. Even Zadd seems conflicted, to some degree. Poor Carat looked horrified. The changes aren't massive, but they're definitely my favourite part of the early Book 3 rework so far! Superbly done.

Also, the backstory of the Wind Elves and resistance against the Rose has changed too. Makes me wonder if we'll learn anything more about this Sanctuary later on. Also, isn't it true that the Wood Elves also lived in Dreamwood? I wonder if what happened had anything to do with them. Kara's identity being unknown to Akanthus makes a lot more sense too.

Also also, some colour customisation for Paladin is a very welcome surprise!

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