Greldracion -> RE: Z-Token Sale, Paladin Class Part 1 - Skills 5 of 20 (6/21/2020 1:28:05)
Early thoughts on testing. Class looks great, nice 2 hit attack animation, fact that is has base 58 light resistance and 67 to both fire and water is quite nice at the current max level. The burn works fairly well on the combat practice trainer, may do Paladin missions on my secondary character to get the armor and skills love the skills wheel. Blind is fantastic, -27.3 bth for 6 turns is quite strong, even if the damage only scales to level 82-90. Armaments seem nice damage range feels consistent with a level 80 weapon and shield. can't say much on the shield's MRM since I haven't really looked to much into that. haven't tested the bonus damage passive on undead yet, so I can't really say anything on the matter there. Resonant smite feels like it does +50% damage base, and maybe gets an additive 25% for the burn/blind (stacking) but i'd say it is only worth using if you have one of those 2 statuses procced. feels somewhat lackluster otherwise, with low hits dealing about as much as a high rolled base attack, but dealing double, if not more with both statuses procced. fact that it's light locked could be nice too, depending on the situation So far, looking good, only thing that feels meh is an un-charged smite. Edit:@ above, that is a good point, you'd think it would have psuedo comp against darkness, as that is what a paladin fights, did the base class have the same issue? Edit 2: the original paladin was weak to energy and fire initially, any reason for the resistance swaps?