Calendar class/epoch advice (Full Version)

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EbozFaceboy -> Calendar class/epoch advice (6/18/2020 20:45:46)

Hi there!
Hope I'm posting this in the correct category, please let me know if not [:)]

So, I'm currently maining riftwalker and have access to doomknight (v2). I'm looking to invest in a couple of the calender classes that are still available and wondered if anyone with some experience with them (specifically epoch) could advise on which to go with.

I'm loving the look of shadow walker of time so I will likely be getting that, however I would also like to grab one form of epoch. Bearing in mind I will probably be getting shadow walker and have doomknight available, can anyone suggest which epoch artifacts would be best in terms of variety and usefulness.

Ideally I would like one that fulfills a different role to shadow walker or doomknight if that could even be the case to mix it up a bit and I'm really thinking more about bosses as riftwalker does a good job of breezing through regular quests anyways.

There's archavist too but it doesn't really grab my interest so I'll probably give that one a miss unless I'm really missing something there.

So my available options are: Eraglass, Corrupted Doom Casette and Eternal Locket.

Any advice/input would be greatly appreciated [:D]

Dratomos -> RE: Calendar class/epoch advice (6/19/2020 7:57:33)

Epoch is the best class for Inn, no doubt.

In terms of artifacts, Eternal Locket and Eraglass are much much much better than Corrupted Doom Casette. Both are excellent in Inn fights.

Eternal Locket is better for single fights and Eraglass is better for duo fights, for example, Eraglass Epoch is currently best choice for hardest Inn fight to date, the Balance.

Epoch requires time and good resistances, before it can start dealing damage, so don't use it like you would say DoomKnight.

EbozFaceboy -> RE: Calendar class/epoch advice (6/19/2020 13:58:03)

Thanks for the breakdown, clears a lot up for me [:)]

Good to hear about the playstyle being more setup oriented. With DmK and SWoT already it sounds like a good addition in terms of variety which is probably my primary concern to keep things interesting.

I haven't found much regarding doom casette besides encyclopedia entries, so I was thinking that's probably the lesser of the three so thanks for clarifying that for me, think I'll skip that one.

Still a bit torn between eraglass and eternal though as they seem relatively equal in terms of usefulness; is the main difference that one favors 1v1 and the other multi-targets?

They certainly seem complex compared to many other classes (not a bad thing, keeps it interesting) So trying to break down the differences between them: From what I understand, eternal seems like it requires more buildup before going in for the damage whereas eraglass seems more about sustaining those extra moves each turn?

AstralCodex -> RE: Calendar class/epoch advice (6/20/2020 23:03:20)

That's correct, Eternal Epoch (EE) has higher damage once it builds up (as it can use its higher damage final without losing double turns), but takes 6-7 turns to setup, versus the 4 turns it takes for Eraglass Epoch (UWE). It can also use its final on the first turn of double turns, which lets you swap gear after using the final - a massive gain when offensive gear can represent 20-30% more damage than overall/defensive gear.

EbozFaceboy -> RE: Calendar class/epoch advice (6/21/2020 9:59:32)

Awesome, I'm going with eternal for now (and swot for funsies) and looking to maybe grab eraglass further down the road as its a newer calender. (All these calanders I really have no excuse to forget birthdays now! [:D])

Thanks for the tips, I never considered swapping gear to defend on second turns. Gonna take a bit of learning but Riftwalker's "leeroy jenkins" approach doesn't hold up well for the inn [:D] so appreciate the advice!

FMan -> RE: Calendar class/epoch advice (6/30/2020 13:21:30)

Got a question about Eternal Locket.
After it builds up ,can it maintain it's double turns?

Since timeshift has 24 turns cd, gives 12 additional turns,. So it counts them for cd?

AstralCodex -> RE: Calendar class/epoch advice (6/30/2020 14:10:56)

Yeah, EE can loop extra turns.

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