DC Armors (Full Version)

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Adakite -> DC Armors (6/22/2020 7:38:30)

Have any of the DC armors been updated since launch?

AstralCodex -> RE: DC Armors (6/22/2020 19:38:09)

Chaosweaver got nerfed after release. KAA was buffed by Ash. Other than that, I believe none of the DC armors were updated after launch.

TFS -> RE: DC Armors (6/23/2020 1:53:57)

Almost all of them have.
-In 2010, shortly after its launch, Kathool Adept lost the ability to use on-attack weapon specials because of a bug that would cause it to attack itself.
-In 2011, a bug that allowed GPS to instantly kill any enemy in the game was fixed.
-In 2015, Kathool Adept received a massive buff in the form of scaling damage.
-In 2015, Entropy received a massive buff in the form of scaling damage, but this came alongside increased MP costs. The strength of the DoT from its 'Plague' skill was also lowered.
-In 2018, Pyromancer received a slight buff when its 'Magma Bubble' skill received the ability to damage attacking enemies.
-In 2018, Icebound Revenant was nerfed when its 'Fortitude of Frost' skill was changed from Melee/Pierce/Magic defense to Block/Parry/Dodge defense.
-In 2019, Kathool Adept received further bugfixes that prevented it from attacking itself and consuming its own buffs.
-In 2020, Chaosweaver was nerfed when its empowered 'Soul Shred' skill lost the ability to bypass Immobility resistance.

This should be all of the major direct changes to DC classes, not counting indirect buffs or nerfs resulting from global mechanic changes or new items/classes coming out.

AstralCodex -> RE: DC Armors (6/23/2020 5:56:17)

Chaosweaver also lost 200 immo on empowered 'Soul Aegis' and +20 health res on 'Empowered Vengeance'. :)

But yeah, my bad. TFS is correct, it turns out my memory is shoddy and forgot a lot of changes.

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