RE: =AQ= Z-Token Sale, Paladin Class Part 1.5 - Skills 5 of 20 + Class Quest (Full Version)

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sora 800 -> RE: =AQ= Z-Token Sale, Paladin Class Part 1.5 - Skills 5 of 20 + Class Quest (6/26/2020 17:51:47)


Every 5 levels, you get a unique quest as a milestone instead of the random quest. These quests follow from both recent events and Artix's journey of self discovery, containing both the development of the new Paladin Order and... Well, you'll see.

As of the bugs, we've taken note of the issues with specific enemy lists. We'll be flogging Kamui with asparagus until IMRy fixes them. That's how it works, right?

The questline and dialogue looks and is pretty fun. Also, thanks for the quick reply regarding the bugs. Cheers!

red vector -> RE: =AQ= Z-Token Sale, Paladin Class Part 1.5 - Skills 5 of 20 + Class Quest (6/26/2020 19:23:48)

Didn't fight any Necromancers or Fallen Knights; maybe they were removed once the bugs were noticed?
I didn't see anything about Miss Bony Pants Gal, or a Pundragon. Or a humble rebirth. And I was looking for these things too. The first two might be randomized quests; where's the line about a humble rebirth?
I'm probably going to facepalm when it's pointed out to me.

Though the idea of gaining power by inspiring people is a very good one, both narratively and in-story, to me it poses the risk of bringing about cults of personality and tautological templars, or people who think that they are good, therefore everything they do is good. Granted, the old Order seemed to be susceptible to it, based on the War of Extinction and all those mentions of Artix being Ax-Crazy when it comes to undead, but this way seems to have it built in.


Cray said: As of the bugs, we've taken note of the issues with specific enemy lists. We'll be flogging Kamui with asparagus until IMRy fixes them. That's how it works, right?

Considering that Kam seems to be the designated Chew Toy... he'll be flogged for so long that we might actually start feeling bad for him. Great idea, Cray!

EDIT: Ack, can't believe I forgot to mention this- the level 4 skill seems like it'll be very useful at higher class levels and player levels. Seems like it combines with the Resonant Bulwark to increase MRM even further. Also, the blind skill seems to get stronger based on your class level. It was at -27 BtH when before I reset my level, now it's at -26.3.

Ianthe -> RE: =AQ= Z-Token Sale, Paladin Class Part 1.5 - Skills 5 of 20 + Class Quest (6/26/2020 22:31:14)

- Fixed the bug in "fallen knight" monster bug
- Possibly fixed the "necromancer" monster bug?
- Better error messages so I have to do less detective work.

ghj5374 -> RE: =AQ= Z-Token Sale, Paladin Class Part 1.5 - Skills 5 of 20 + Class Quest (6/26/2020 23:10:06)


sadly, the "necromancer" bug hasn't been fixed

Edit: Neither has "fallen knight"

RobynJoanne -> RE: =AQ= Z-Token Sale, Paladin Class Part 1.5 - Skills 5 of 20 + Class Quest (6/27/2020 0:36:02)

@red vector
The previous Paladin Order was exactly a tautological order. Despite much evidence to the contrary (with Amilara Celegra being perhaps the primary example of a good necromancer), Artix had decided that the Necromancer Order was evil and needed eradication. One would hope that his journey has taught him his weakness to overzealousness and self-righteousness. There are also plenty of people to remind him of his failures to keep his ego in check. The quests, so far, have been merely responses to outside aggression, so Artix does seem dedicated to helping others without going overboard. Nevertheless, Cray has hinted that later quests will explore the failures of the Paladin Order even further, so we may see if Artix has truly changed.

I also just had the "necromancer" bug.

Lorekeeper -> RE: =AQ= Z-Token Sale, Paladin Class Part 1.5 - Skills 5 of 20 + Class Quest (6/27/2020 1:14:52)

The fixed encounters require relogging/refreshing to load, as otherwise the client will still be on the prior version.

RobynJoanne -> RE: =AQ= Z-Token Sale, Paladin Class Part 1.5 - Skills 5 of 20 + Class Quest (6/27/2020 2:10:11)

I exited the launcher and cleared my cache. I still get the "necromancer" bug, but it is different now in that I can sometimes go a few battles before I get kicked out of the quest. However, I have not had any issue with fallen knights.

Lorekeeper -> RE: =AQ= Z-Token Sale, Paladin Class Part 1.5 - Skills 5 of 20 + Class Quest (6/27/2020 10:37:04)

Time to flog Kamui some more! Maybe with leeks this time.

red vector -> RE: =AQ= Z-Token Sale, Paladin Class Part 1.5 - Skills 5 of 20 + Class Quest (6/28/2020 23:05:49)

And I acknowledge all of that, but it just seems more likely with the new order. I'm not thinking about Artix- I'm thinking about some hypothetical future leader, or that guy from the "Artix Returns" questline, who thought the other Paladins had taken his powers. Though it seems like he used the leylines too, so I'm not sure how valid my line of reasoning is.
Whatever. In my opinion, this new order just seems more likely to be corrupted once Artix, his students, and maybe his students' students step down, regardless of what the story says.

Lorekeeper -> RE: =AQ= Z-Token Sale, Paladin Class Part 1.5 - Skills 5 of 20 + Class Quest (6/29/2020 10:14:45)

By the very nature of their new power, a corrupt order would not only be inherently weaker than even old Paladins, but borderline incapable of teaching the usage of its new power as well. Self-righteousness is anathema to its use, and selfishness severs the bond that maintains it.

RobynJoanne -> RE: =AQ= Z-Token Sale, Paladin Class Part 1.5 - Skills 5 of 20 + Class Quest (6/29/2020 15:54:41)

@red vector
Sorry about the late reply. I just finished replaying the Artix quests. Here's a write-up for Return of Artix, and here's a write-up for both Return to Order and Out of Order for those needing a refresher, courtesy of Legendary Ash.
Our paladin powers come not just from inspiring others but also, and more importantly, from saving others. We are dependent on the bonds we share with those we've saved to access Paladin powers, and we must save many people to create sufficient bonds to access those powers now that the leylines, shortcuts that could and were abused, are no more. This actively precludes corruption because thousands must affirm our choices for us to maintain our powers, or as Cray so eloquently put it "Self-righteousness is anathema to its use, and selfishness severs the bond that maintains it." Furthermore, the very nature of our powers means that only true heroes may obtain them, and the Paladin Order itself will remain small. Any and all seeds of corruption can be nipped at the bud with such massive supervision.

In other news: the "necromancer" bug seems to be fixed. Thanks Kam!

red vector -> RE: =AQ= Z-Token Sale, Paladin Class Part 1.5 - Skills 5 of 20 + Class Quest (6/30/2020 15:21:06)

Okay, so my reasoning comes from a misreading of this line from Return to Order:

One could even use ley line magic to steal others' gratitude for their own power!

And the idea that people can change over time. For instance, if a paladin started out genuinely good, and helped a lot of people, they'd have the affirmation of all those people, and that would make them really powerful right? But say they become cynical and jaded over time, or maybe all the praise they got went to their head. Now they aren't such a good person. They still helped a ton of people in the past, so I was thinking that they'd still be able to use their paladin powers for not-so-good purposes. However, Cray's line of "Self-righteousness is anathema to its use, and selfishness severs the bond that maintains it," refutes that quite nicely.

Anyways, thanks for the replies, you two. It was nice discussing lore.

Lorekeeper -> RE: =AQ= Z-Token Sale, Paladin Class Part 1.5 - Skills 5 of 20 + Class Quest (6/30/2020 15:32:08)

Any time. Part of it boils down to the fact that it's virtually impossible to pull the wool over the eyes of the souls empowering you.

That being said, there is some potential for abuse... If of a different nature. It may reveal itself before too long.

lifetime dreamer -> RE: =AQ= Z-Token Sale, Paladin Class Part 1.5 - Skills 5 of 20 + Class Quest (7/4/2020 8:28:22)

I'm confused about this update. No matter how many quests I accomplish I can't get past a level 5 Paladin even though I started off as a level 10 Paladin from the Old Order. Are the new skills not ready yet and are still "coming soon!" as it says when you try to access the new skills? My Paladin has been stuck in the same situation for over two weeks now, despite the release of the 5 to 20 skills. I must be doing something wrong.

Primate Murder -> RE: =AQ= Z-Token Sale, Paladin Class Part 1.5 - Skills 5 of 20 + Class Quest (7/4/2020 8:34:13)

Only the first 5 paladin skills have been released.

The rest will be out sometime in the coming weeks, 5 skills per release. Plus one for paladin variants.

lifetime dreamer -> RE: =AQ= Z-Token Sale, Paladin Class Part 1.5 - Skills 5 of 20 + Class Quest (7/4/2020 11:15:44)

Thanks. Since I've been doing the quests do I still get to keep the Paladin levels that I earned? Its still stuck at 10. Do I need to reset my Paladin level and start over to get the new skills when they are released?

RobynJoanne -> RE: =AQ= Z-Token Sale, Paladin Class Part 1.5 - Skills 5 of 20 + Class Quest (7/4/2020 13:01:12)

It should actually be stuck at level 5 if you had reset your levels to try out the new quests. The paladin class levels don't increase once you reach level 5. The class levels should increase again once the skills for those respective levels are released.

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