Sapphire -> RE: What Special Offer items would you like to see return? (11/20/2021 14:46:21)
Disagree. Each doomlight set have strong secondary and tertiary resistances. I own the earth and ice versions, and out of 2 armors, 6 elements range from 39-42%. Having played backlash very much, it is of my opinion that 39-42% is the PERFECT range to KEEP your resistance. Due to having max END, and a 50 end misc, it's 6300 HP. This elemental range is enough damage to create massive backlash, but not high enough to risk being defeated. Having 3 these resistances that low in part, is paid for by low blocking. The energy doomlight would be resistant to energy, light, and (i would need to look up the 3rd) 3 Armors covers you. No need to have an elemental variant to all, because you dont try and push resistance down.