AstralCodex -> RE: Stat Points, Doom Knight suggestions, Inevitable Equilibrium, Elemental Unity trinket upgrades (7/28/2020 14:09:06)
V2 cloak is way too overpowered and reeks of making the game less accessible, which is a direction the devs have been trying to move away from with recent releases and relatively easy to get Inn gear. V2's issue was never "inner darkness can't hit lol". Its primary weaknesses for inn fights are a lack of a reliable shield combined with average damage output outside of favor inner. Even so, it can still do every inn fight but one. It'd be nice if it got a better source of sustained damage, but it's honestly fine where it is, if a bit outshone by Epochs and Chaosweaver. There's no need to nerf Hatir just so you can do V2 IE more easily. V2 IE is already ok with Palachilly anyways. V2 literally has a skill that gives -150 MPM, and you have 4 turns with Palachilly to break scales with. Seems fine to me. IE is intended to be incredibly challenging, and I think it's well balanced where it is - many classes can do it. I'd be down for EUD 80, 85, 90, provided they give no more all or MPM (power creep is bad enough as is).