Chessmaster Saga (Full Version)

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Macho Man -> Chessmaster Saga (7/29/2020 15:07:03)

So I know it's been 2 years since Going Kukoo came out, I had just finished replaying all of the saga. That particular quest leaves us at a cliffhanger and I'm wondering if there is another part after this that isn't connected to the saga chain? Or did the saga come to a pause? Going through all the quests brought back so many memories and I need to know what happens next lol.

Legendary Ash -> RE: Chessmaster Saga (7/29/2020 18:13:42)

I think the Chessmaster Saga is awaiting a writer to provide a script, there hasn't been any other quest after Going Kukoo related to that storyline.

Macho Man -> RE: Chessmaster Saga (7/30/2020 11:37:46)

Aww that's a shame. Hopefully someone picks it up, there are so many loose threads in it that would make interesting twists.

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