Poison and Burn (Full Version)

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Bannished Rogue -> Poison and Burn (8/2/2020 14:04:25)

Is there a way that poison and burn's damage effects are added together or does one just always override the other. Its very difficult to know if they're both working together given how RNG works.

Legendary Ash -> RE: Poison and Burn (8/2/2020 14:52:51)

Separate status conditions stack multiplicatively with each other if its a percent and additively if its damage.
A self-test can be conducted by applying a Burn and Poison separately, then together to observe if the damage range of the total is approximately the two separate statuses combined.

Bannished Rogue -> RE: Poison and Burn (8/2/2020 15:01:19)

I'm not really seeing any substantial change. I think I read somewhere that the elements have to be the same. Is that true?

Legendary Ash -> RE: Poison and Burn (8/2/2020 22:14:57)

As said before, separate status are independent, the element for one status does not affect the other status condition and will still stack additively.
In the past when one status was applied with different elements on separate turns, the most recent element overwrites the earlier one.

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