Top Wind Armors (Full Version)

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UltraVegito -> Top Wind Armors (8/5/2020 17:46:08)

Hello all, I am looking for a wind armor that has a nice nuke special that is just Melee damage. Or I am also curious to know if there is a wind imbue spell or special. I am a pure warrior in the game; don't laugh but I honestly do not like subbing in Thernda as a guest and a pet when I already have Dunamis in. I am curious because I can convert all my weapon element attacks, but for wind, while using a Bloodzerker armor and Terror Eater or any of the click special weapons.

Legendary Ash -> RE: Top Wind Armors (8/5/2020 18:41:17)

Weapon type
Axemaster's Burden from Zhilo's Haunting
Griffinrider Mount

Coverts Melee to Ranged
Tyrannochicken Rex Rider
Airenal's Might,

UltraVegito -> RE: Top Wind Armors (8/5/2020 20:01:48)

Thanks for the response. I do have those armors and all are good; however, I feel the best one that I use currently is Lord of the Skies from Airenals Lance for range special. I am solely looking for just melee hits though. For Axemasters Burden, you have to spend a turn, and i feel i could do more damage with that extra turn.

Kurtz96 -> RE: Top Wind Armors (8/5/2020 20:45:18)

I believe what Ash listed are the only options. There are not a lot of wind armors in the game. The only other good wind armor in Grenwog form.

UltraVegito -> RE: Top Wind Armors (8/5/2020 21:18:32)

Yeah, a lot of the wind armors are defensive. Hopefully AQ will be coming out with a wind bloodzerker/bloodmage soon!

Firedice18 -> RE: Top Wind Armors (8/8/2020 23:33:38)

Yeah, a lot of the wind armors are defensive. Hopefully AQ will be coming out with a wind bloodzerker/bloodmage soon!


Looking forward for Wind bloodzerker.

Airenal Lance is better but expensive though..

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