Diamond Dog Pet: Sneaky Version (Full Version)

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battlesiege15 -> Diamond Dog Pet: Sneaky Version (8/9/2020 15:54:20)


The Sneaking version has its baseline damage halved (so it normally only does 20% Melee). In exchange, this pet uses DEX in place of CHA for purposes of damage and accuracy formulas. Basically the MC and halving of baseline damage is used to pay for the pet not needing CHA in any way.
So how does this pet compare with a regular pet with max CHA vs. max DEX? I'm a little confused about the 'only does 20% melee' part. Does it mean that with expected stats, the pet can only deal up to 20% Pet damage vs. expected 40%? If so, don't pets with 0 CHA deal 20% damage anyways?

So essentially, its core damage is DEX/15 + LUK/50 and accuracy is DEX*3/40 + DEX*3/40 + LUK/40?

Legendary Ash -> RE: Diamond Dog Pet: Sneaky Version (8/9/2020 18:17:01)

In essence the sacrificing of MC and half standard damage trades for the substitution of Dex in place of Cha's half of an equal amount of BtH.

At 200 Dex/Luk deals Damage*BtH:
.4(50+0 Mainstat+11.5 Luk)(*.5+.15 Dex+0 Cha) = 15.99% melee standard pet
.5*.4(50+38.5 Mainstat+11.5 Luk)*(.5+.3 Dex) = 16% melee Sneaking Dog

As observed there is little difference at 200 Mainstat.

With the 250 Mainstat standard in place there is a gain of approximately 5% or 2% melee, which is the equivalent MC sacrificed:
.4(50+0 Mainstat+11.5*1.25 Luk)(*.5+.15*1.25 Dex+0 Cha) = 17.703% melee standard pet
.5*.4(50+1.25(38.5 Mainstat+11.5 Luk))*(.5+.3*1.25 Dex) = 19.6875% melee Sneaking Dog

The formula you stated is correct.

battlesiege15 -> RE: Diamond Dog Pet: Sneaky Version (8/9/2020 21:46:42)

Ah, I see. A very slight edge with 250 stats. I guess the only difference between this and a typical 5% MC boost pet is that this pet benefits from increased PlayerDEX boosts (miscs, spells, etc) that synergize with the rest of a DEX-player's setup.

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