Lore question (Full Version)

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Bannished Rogue -> Lore question (8/10/2020 1:36:01)

Drakel are a dragon human hybrid but is said the predate humans. How is that even possible?

Also is it possible for there to be a Drakel Vartai hybrid? What would that even be like?

Would a Drakel dracomancer become just a dragon or something much greater?

Legendary Ash -> RE: Lore question (8/10/2020 17:59:22)

Similarities in traits can occur through convergent and parallel evolution instead of heredity.

The only Drakel hybrid is Draklin, who is half Drakel and Moglin, the requirements and specifications of hybridizations are not disclosed in AQ's lore.

Lycanthropy originated in the texts of ancient Rome/Greece and Vampirism originated in 17/18-th century Eastern Europe folklore, their mechanics are usually not explained due to sharing a common background unless its explicitly differentiated as a spin off.

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