Guerra -> RE: =DF= August 14th Design Notes: The Maleurous: The Angel of Azaveyr (8/21/2020 21:09:48)
Soooo.... spoiler:
Anyone else have the feeling that egg/the dragon within will be used against us eventually? I have a feeling it will probably be the Avatars imbuing with their elemental power, but it might be Drakath later down the line P.S. That fight was awesome, more than worth the wait P.P.S spoiler:
Clicking the Staff/Scythe will change the end to replicate the different constructs the boss used for their attacks and others; scythe blade, mace head, magic arrow mini-gun thing, etc. P.P.P.S spoiler:
For those farming the boss, a DOT will bypass their damage mitigation to end the fight before they partially heal themselves, giving you a quicker win.