=DF= August 28th Design Notes: Reimagined: Swampy and Spooky! (Full Version)

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Peachii -> =DF= August 28th Design Notes: Reimagined: Swampy and Spooky! (8/29/2020 8:51:48)


Reimagined: Swampy and Spooky!

Hey there, heroes!

It's a me, Tomix Dove!

With Verly chilling deep within his interdimentional box, Dracelix and I have prepared for you an art update to not one, but two old quests!


Sir Koffagus Sarcophagus, available from Sir Pernatural in Oaklore Keep (Book 1, 2 and 3)

Crystal Clear Lake, available from Thursday in Amityvale (Book 1 and 2)

Dracelix has also reforged the weapon drops from Crystal Clear Lake! (They are still low level, but hey, maybe you'll like the new art and will use as shown weapon!)

Have a great weekend!

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Tags: Tomix Reimagined

Kylorei -> RE: =DF= August 28th Design Notes: Reimagined: Swampy and Spooky! (8/29/2020 10:46:59)

I really like the music for Crystal Lake, it gives a wary, peaceful, and sad feeling.
If there was a music box item for housing, i would LOVE to have this on repeat (Houses need music). I am currently in this quest chilling by the garden lol

New month next week, its about time for a new Inn challenge, right?

ChronoEye -> RE: =DF= August 28th Design Notes: Reimagined: Swampy and Spooky! (8/30/2020 8:13:32)

What happened to the war? It was promised to be farmable until next week - but I can't farm the waves there anymore...

Primate Murder -> RE: =DF= August 28th Design Notes: Reimagined: Swampy and Spooky! (8/30/2020 8:39:06)

You can still get Defender's Medals.

ChronoEye -> RE: =DF= August 28th Design Notes: Reimagined: Swampy and Spooky! (8/30/2020 11:08:06)

I wanted only to farm for the war wave numbers though... R.I.P.

1997p3 -> RE: =DF= August 28th Design Notes: Reimagined: Swampy and Spooky! (8/30/2020 11:47:02)

Oooh, reimagined


wer -> RE: =DF= August 28th Design Notes: Reimagined: Swampy and Spooky! (9/17/2020 0:00:21)

the art work reminds me of AQW

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