Class Idea : Plague Bringer/Harbinger of Disease (Full Version)

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Hanthome -> Class Idea : Plague Bringer/Harbinger of Disease (9/6/2020 21:39:59)

Hey guys !
I've had an idea today for a class that would be cool to see added so I thought I might share it here.
The concept would be some kind of dark rogue with leather-y armor and maybe some metal plates here and there (maybe like a combat plague doctor ?) that would use a crossbow and corrosive and poisonous flasks.
I've wanted another class that wasn't Pyromancer who could rely on DoTs, and except Ninja or Pirate (which are very viable for anything, really), there's not many classes who inflict poison (and none for disease) status.
Also, there aren't many ranged classes using Pierce as their default damage except Rogue and, well, Ranger (of course), so a crossbow would be really cool. I thought a crossbow-wielding warrior of death spreading disease and corruption wherever it goes would sound like a nice concept. I've also always wanted a class that would use crossbows, and since TimeKiller isn't avalaible anymore, there's no way I can use crossbows as an actual weapon for a class.
I also thought of a nice ability inspired by the new "Warmonger" character in the game "For Honor", where it has those "Blade of Corruption" and "Corruption Blast" abilities where they corrupt one or multiple target and create a zone around them, where if their allies enters this zone, both of them will take damage over time. We could emulate that by creating an ability that would cause a debuff or a DoT when you are fighting multiple enemies.
So yeah, that's pretty much what I thought about during my lunch break at work. Feel free to add more stuff to it if you find the idea appealing, and otherwise, tell me why you don't.

Kylorei -> RE: Class Idea : Plague Bringer/Harbinger of Disease (9/7/2020 1:33:17)

Well im not so sure about this entering a zone mechanic but a Dex DOT class sounds cool to me. The thing about multiple DoTs is that all do the same thing, like the only difference between the Ninja DoTs is the duration. What if the poison DoTs have a secondary debuff effect?
This Plague Bringer could have a STACKING DoT, a MULTI-TARGET DoT, and a DoT that really increases target health resist.

I don't know where/how our Hero would be a Disease spreading class but I think it would be a cool thing if it were only available to Rouge. I think there should be an Upgrade Class (Classes that can only be unlocked based on your base classes) for Warriors and Mages - such as Knight for Warrior, ArchMage for Mage.

I like to think of class concepts for Dragonfable too (with specific skills and cooldowns) so im glad im not the only one lol

Hanthome -> RE: Class Idea : Plague Bringer/Harbinger of Disease (9/8/2020 22:59:11)

I like your ideas except for the one saying it should be a Rogue-exclusive one. I don't like classes being locked by a choice I made 15 years ago. I'd rather have them being paid with DCs.

Kylorei -> RE: Class Idea : Plague Bringer/Harbinger of Disease (9/9/2020 16:47:58)

Yeah, maybeeee

Its been done with Dragon Base classes and the Atlean classes

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