Dual Opposites Armor/Shields (Full Version)

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Varghus -> Dual Opposites Armor/Shields (9/27/2020 9:42:50)

What armors protects from the opposite elements. Similar to Ultimon or Igneous Fur, Light/Dark, Fire/Ice, Wind/Earth, Water/Energy. Is it possible to only have four armors/shields in inventory, besides the no drop?

JaneMark -> RE: Dual Opposites Armor/Shields (9/27/2020 11:55:09)

All of the updated subraces (vampire, werewolf, werepyre, neko luna, neko sol) have dual-element armors that can cover all 8 elements with 4 armors. Even better one of them automatically becomes a level-scaled no-drop (in ADDITION to your normal no-drop) for free once you beat the very last subrace class quest. You can buy the other 3 in the subrace shops.

(Twisted) Cleric of Carnafex (Fire/Ice) is available in GGB right now, as is Grenwog Rider (Toggleable Earth/Wind).

I've found adventurequestwiki.fandom.com to be quit helpful recently when I was re-evaluating my gear. They have a pretty good guide on FO and FD armors each with a compression section that mentions options for multi-element coverage.

Full Offensive Guide
Full Defensive Guide

Legendary Ash -> RE: Dual Opposites Armor/Shields (9/27/2020 13:45:14)

Within the Pending Guides the Optimization Academy of Lore: Weapons and Armors and Optimization Academy of Lore: Shields and Spells are equipment compilations that identifies (multi)elements, Defensive/Offensive natures, proc rate, armor leans, skills/spells, item compression and availability tags among gold/guardian/guardian account/seasonal/token/package/heromart.

For multielement equipment pairings that are headed with dual, tri, quad, oct or compression, it uses decimal system where the numbers 1-8 are assigned to elements in the order that they appear on the character's/monster's profile window that is accessed through hovering over their faces on the vitals panel.

In the case of opposite elements use your computer's find function Ctrl F and enter .14 for Fire and Ice, .26 for Water and Energy, .35 for Wind and Earth and .78 for Light and Dark.

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