=DF= October 9th Design Notes: Book 3: The Royal Resistance: A Shocking Discovery (Full Version)

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Peachii -> =DF= October 9th Design Notes: Book 3: The Royal Resistance: A Shocking Discovery (10/9/2020 22:55:09)


Book 3: The Royal Resistance: A Shocking Discovery

Hey there, heroes!

This week, Book 3's main story continues! The Greenguard Alliance has established itself outside the Doomwood ruins, and now, the investigation begins.


Will everyone get along? What awaits you inside? The first expedition into the ruins starts with this week's quest: A Shocking Discovery! Head over to Queen Victoria in Book 3 Swordhaven to continue The Royal Resistance!

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Primate Murder -> RE: =DF= October 9th Design Notes: Book 3: The Royal Resistance: A Shocking Discovery (10/10/2020 1:14:02)

Wow, I kinda feel for Ostromir. The guy's just trying to do his job and everybody seems to gang up on him.

mds2006 -> RE: =DF= October 9th Design Notes: Book 3: The Royal Resistance: A Shocking Discovery (10/10/2020 1:28:16)


It was so very fun and great seeing everyone else having none of what this magesterium guy has to say about anything~

And the prince is so cute omg he's so great

Dratomos -> RE: =DF= October 9th Design Notes: Book 3: The Royal Resistance: A Shocking Discovery (10/10/2020 5:20:02)

I really liked this quest and how it was constructed. And especially what came it after it. I don't mind siding with Magisterium now with my main.


Especially when talking with the prince in Doomwood Camp. I really like how much lore we learn with each camp, currently the GH being my favourite. It was also very nice too see how Raven would interact with Ostromir as she is also from Azaveyr and that didn't disappoint.

Sibixi -> RE: =DF= October 9th Design Notes: Book 3: The Royal Resistance: A Shocking Discovery (10/10/2020 5:50:29)


So... y'all are having Vietnam flashbacks to Blood and Roses too, right? The moon being prominently featured implies the situation is going to get real hairy, real soon, especially for Raven. Would be interesting to see what Ostromir makes of that, especially if there aren't any werewolves in the Land of Fables.

Flabagast -> RE: =DF= October 9th Design Notes: Book 3: The Royal Resistance: A Shocking Discovery (10/10/2020 8:11:16)

Well that was something!


It seems Prince Eulin goes to whichever faction's camp the Hero has sided with; a wonderful decision on the team's part!

Such a fantastic play on words. Lagomorph is the greek name for the taxonomic group that rabbits and hares make up. And the Ohm is the unit for electrical resistance! Props to whoever came up with that one!

More juicy lore about the Wastes too. The Plaines? The Planes?? I was under the impression that the events that happened at Ehr'Ishin would have left them stark and desolate. Perhaps it is a world that is far more diverse and, well, alive. I certainly didn't expect there to be humans living there either. What other intelligent races could be inhabiting them? More questions than answers, gah!

It'll definitely be interesting to see what more we can learn from this little lightning bunny.

Ace Woodlink -> RE: =DF= October 9th Design Notes: Book 3: The Royal Resistance: A Shocking Discovery (10/10/2020 12:45:30)


I like this guy.

The Jop -> RE: =DF= October 9th Design Notes: Book 3: The Royal Resistance: A Shocking Discovery (10/10/2020 22:25:31)

Considering Ostromir is a representative of the Magesterium, who declared war on us and opened a bunch of rifts intending to destroy our lands, I don't think he deserves to get a break. The only mistake was that they lost control and more rifts than intended were opened, but they are by no means good people. Even disregarding how they use people for mana.

Primate Murder -> RE: =DF= October 9th Design Notes: Book 3: The Royal Resistance: A Shocking Discovery (10/11/2020 5:17:01)

Eh, Jaania was playing with a WMD right on their borders, and they responded with a WMD threat of their own. I don't think that's unreasonable. Not particularly smart, mind you, but MAD is a well-known deterrent.

And either way, Ostromir is here to fix that, no?

scifijimmy -> RE: =DF= October 9th Design Notes: Book 3: The Royal Resistance: A Shocking Discovery (10/11/2020 13:46:48)


Such a fantastic play on words. Lagomorph is the greek name for the taxonomic group that rabbits and hares make up. And the Ohm is the unit for electrical resistance! Props to whoever came up with that one!

Energizer Bunny anyone?[;)]

Also does look like there is more to the rifts than what the Golden Hand is letting on. Nice to see a different sort of danger this time with a force that is intelligent and less one of nature.

anime_rpg -> RE: =DF= October 9th Design Notes: Book 3: The Royal Resistance: A Shocking Discovery (10/11/2020 16:48:05)


Energizer Bunny anyone? [;)]


Also I think a lot of people, including those not in the GH camp, already knew there was a lot more than what the GH were saying and were already thinking where they led to.

Ostromir still trying to explain (in the GH camp) but Vseslava stopping him/

spirit of greed -> RE: =DF= October 9th Design Notes: Book 3: The Royal Resistance: A Shocking Discovery (10/12/2020 8:49:04)

I choose the Vind because to me they look like the most trustworthy faction. Though i have to admit it's annoying how much Kara focuses on Jaania instead of the Vind. When to be honest i don't think Jaania deserves redemption and honestly it looks more and more that she's beyond helping.

There's many good people in the Rose but there's just too much corruption in there and worse it looks like Jaania doesn't even care about it. IMO the Rose needs some kind of purge.

I noticed people are liking the Golden Hand but it's too early to judge. They did start this chaos by starting a war even if they didn't think it would go like this (which i'm very interested what created the anomaly though i got an idea).

So far i like this storyline. I wanted a good elemental chaos in chapter 2 and was disappointed how shortvit was so this is everything what i wanted in ch 2.

scifijimmy -> RE: =DF= October 9th Design Notes: Book 3: The Royal Resistance: A Shocking Discovery (10/12/2020 13:39:22)


I noticed people are liking the Golden Hand but it's too early to judge. They did start this chaos by starting a war even if they didn't think it would go like this (which i'm very interested what created the anomaly though i got an idea).

Back when I chose the Golden Hand, I didn't know what to think of them besides being the original controllers of the Rifts. At least the Rose had Hansa who we could trust, and I wasn't sure what moves the Hand was going to make. For example, backstabbing the other two groups. The Vind may be the only group to fully trust, but I at least put as much faith in G.M. Hansa as Kara. I hope we can soon find out more about the rifts and where they go soon if not the hand then Prince Eulin


(btw anyone guessing who's really controlling them now, I'm thinking someone in the Rose the Hero hasn't met yet but we all know)

spirit of greed -> RE: =DF= October 9th Design Notes: Book 3: The Royal Resistance: A Shocking Discovery (10/13/2020 12:16:04)


My guess is the Shadowscythe device what Akanthus got is messing with the rifts. Which also makes me think Akanthus is playing with fire and that device is too much for him.

Vaalirus -> RE: =DF= October 9th Design Notes: Book 3: The Royal Resistance: A Shocking Discovery (10/13/2020 14:48:09)

Now that I think about it how long has it been since anything from the energy element featured this much within the story, in terms of both lore and narrative and within an exception to just taking a glance at Helios now and then? In the past, light, darkness, fire, ice, and the void have taken a front-row seat in some shape or form within my memory, but from what I recall it's been a bit since energy has gotten any spotlight.

Vikken101 -> RE: =DF= October 9th Design Notes: Book 3: The Royal Resistance: A Shocking Discovery (10/13/2020 16:15:42)


In general, Energy as an element has been very underutlized, even in the Energy Orb Saga(similarly to the Wind Orb Saga), the orb never spawned any energy creatures and was purely an energy source for machines. In addition to the Saga not really having a real villain, and certainly not one connected to its element like Noxus, Duat or Aishia did with their elements respectively as examples.
So its nice we are finally getting quite a few new energy-based enemies.

spirit of greed -> RE: =DF= October 9th Design Notes: Book 3: The Royal Resistance: A Shocking Discovery (10/15/2020 5:03:53)

Wow i never realized how badly the wind and energy elements were presented in this game. It's always fire and darkness (Akriloth,Wargoth,Sepulchure,Shadowscythe etc...) and Light,Ice,Water and Nature got some good enemies and story.
So yeah it's good that we finally got some new energy enemies hopefully it will be the same with wind.

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