Legendary Ash -> RE: Booster Pet/Guest vs Elemental stat question (10/15/2020 17:23:12)
A graph from Desmos can be viewed by entering the following equations as two separate lines, they intersect at -4.822 Cha, which is the equivalence point. Assume Enemy has 275 Mainstat, 250 Dex, 225 Luk and 59.875 Blocking. Dunamis Equation: 1.25*.85*.885(18+6x/250) Standard non MC Pet Equation: .4(50+14.375+38.5x/200)*(1-(.9675-.63375-3x/4000)) Sneaking Diamond Dog: .5*.4(50+14.375+48.125)*(1-(.9675-.8175)) As observed with 250 Dex and Luk, as Booster pets receive a *.885 modifier due to the boost not affecting Lucky Strike damage its output in Offensive Lean is 16.926% melee compared to a standard pet's 17.156% melee and Sneaking Diamond Dog's 19.125% melee. Sneaking Diamond Dog vs standard pet