Booster Pet/Guest vs Elemental stat question (Full Version)

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Ryu Draco -> Booster Pet/Guest vs Elemental stat question (10/15/2020 15:46:11)

So I know that for builds with 0-CHA, pets and guests that boost damage are superior to direct damage options. However, considering that booster options still receive benefits from having CHA, what's the cutoff point for CHA where Dunmas is no longer superior to say a Zard guest/pet, if the main stat is at 250?

Legendary Ash -> RE: Booster Pet/Guest vs Elemental stat question (10/15/2020 17:23:12)

A graph from Desmos can be viewed by entering the following equations as two separate lines, they intersect at -4.822 Cha, which is the equivalence point.
Assume Enemy has 275 Mainstat, 250 Dex, 225 Luk and 59.875 Blocking.

Dunamis Equation: 1.25*.85*.885(18+6x/250)
Standard non MC Pet Equation: .4(50+14.375+38.5x/200)*(1-(.9675-.63375-3x/4000))
Sneaking Diamond Dog: .5*.4(50+14.375+48.125)*(1-(.9675-.8175))

As observed with 250 Dex and Luk, as Booster pets receive a *.885 modifier due to the boost not affecting Lucky Strike damage its output in Offensive Lean is 16.926% melee compared to a standard pet's 17.156% melee and Sneaking Diamond Dog's 19.125% melee.
Sneaking Diamond Dog vs standard pet

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