i hit a road block need help (Full Version)

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islander -> i hit a road block need help (10/16/2020 0:39:45)

idk what to build i am trying to go with the beast master build but my pets do almost no dmg can someone help and tell me what i am doing wrong link below


Primate Murder -> RE: i hit a road block need help (10/16/2020 1:23:17)

Pets are not supposed to do a lot of damage - even at 250 Cha, they are only meant to do 40% melee damage compared to player's 100% (125% in FO armors). Beastmasters generally use guests to complement their damage (60% melee).

It might also be a good idea to pick up stronger pets and guests, such Grimlord and paladin's Manifestation (2x guest damage) and some synergetic equipment, like Holy Armor (lvl 17 toggle boosts beast damage by 25%) and Bard of War on Frostval (pet and guest celerity).

Macho Man -> RE: i hit a road block need help (10/16/2020 10:15:39)

I use pets that try to add effects like paralysis and co along with shields and miscs that help increase the chance of getting it. I run mogdin +pikazard and add the umazen shield that adds a 20 to the roll, along with the frostgale misc to add 20 more to the roll. I try to get pets that both do damage and can have stuns and I incorporate other items that synergize with them.

Voidroy -> RE: i hit a road block need help (10/16/2020 19:13:16)

Here is a guide i found from someone on a community discord I'm apart of, i do not take credit for it.


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