Darkness Daze weapons & Earth Bleed (Full Version)

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battlesiege15 -> Darkness Daze weapons & Earth Bleed (10/16/2020 16:28:52)

Hello, I was wondering if there are any endgame Darkness Daze weapons or Earth Bleed weapons (Melee preferably for both). I'm in and out of the game so I can't keep up with the newer items.

RobynJoanne -> RE: Darkness Daze weapons & Earth Bleed (10/16/2020 18:53:28)

There's nothing readily available that I know of, but Ebil Hacker Hacker is a temp weapon that dazes. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure the Ebilcorp Hacker is a perma-rare monster, so access is impossible. Bloodthorn Blade is a weapon that causes bleed. Unfortunately, it also seems to be a rare, though it's a package item, so access would be permanently available if it ever came back. Coincidentally, both weapons follow the exact elements you're looking for, so maybe the staff has pleasant surprise in store for us.

battlesiege15 -> RE: Darkness Daze weapons & Earth Bleed (10/16/2020 19:01:37)

I do have the painting for it but it's gonna be a hassle to find it every log in :(

The Bloodthorne set is nice but I was hoping for a gold option

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