hi guys me again is buying z token worth it ? (Full Version)

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islander -> hi guys me again is buying z token worth it ? (10/17/2020 0:53:18)

i mean to buy high level z equipment you need a least 4k z tokens that is about 20 dollars and there is no way to farm z tokens or is z tokens is only worth in on low levels to buy like if u make another character ?

Primate Murder -> RE: hi guys me again is buying z token worth it ? (10/17/2020 1:10:31)


there is no way to farm z tokens

You can actually farm z-tokens - a guardian character can get up to 50 tokens per day, plus the chance of getting tokens during the summer and winter donation drives. (I got ~50k tokens during the summer donation).

As such, the main purpsose of buying z-token packages is for their additional items, such as Dunamis and Thernda pets or stat-boosting spells.

While there are a few exceptional z-token items (such as White Knight Z or the gauntlet miscs that went rare yesterday), the best use of z-tokens would be the Golden Giftboxes. While they do rely heavily on rng, some of the GGB items are far superior to anything else available in the game.

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