RE: Void Takeover - Tormenting Silk-Screamer (Full Version)

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Kurtz96 -> RE: Void Takeover - Tormenting Silk-Screamer (10/23/2020 16:28:18)

^If you have them, you could get a multi element gust/pet. That let my beastmaster get through 3 or 4 elements in one turn.

I bought the pet, not sure if it is worth the tokens.

silverhook1003 -> RE: Void Takeover - Tormenting Silk-Screamer (10/23/2020 16:40:14)

Some battle spoilers.

You need at least the chaos spell from the chaos set, that's hits with all elements or at least one weapon of each element. (to take off his shield you need to attack with all elements at least once)
useful 2 or more armors that defend against the darkness
last resort, use ally assist from Artix
change armor when you are haunted.

RobynJoanne -> RE: Void Takeover - Tormenting Silk-Screamer (10/23/2020 17:32:50)

I see that I'm finally getting rewarded for keeping Generalist's Robes in my active inventory. I really love that armor (helped me get through D.U.M. and now this). I really enjoyed the Void fight. Paladin made it a complete cakewalk, as it does every long undead battle, but this idea of three phases is really interesting, and I look forward to the future possibilities.

Unfortunately, I must echo others' opinions regarding the rewards. I think this is the first time we've had Z-token rewards in the Void Takeover, and that's a discouraging precedent. We also have an abundance of options for darkness, and this beautiful set will probably be overshadowed.

The Hollow -> RE: Void Takeover - Tormenting Silk-Screamer (10/23/2020 18:27:24)

Yes, the armor is gold priced!

Macho Man -> RE: Void Takeover - Tormenting Silk-Screamer (10/23/2020 21:48:20)

That fight was really good, I had to cheat and use ally assist at the end but I'll try again next week with the armour. I'll admit that I was sad that the pet was token but there's so many rewards that I don't really mind. We also have the potential of black friday sales on the horizon.

toannghe1997 -> RE: Void Takeover - Tormenting Silk-Screamer (10/23/2020 22:51:25)

Ok, That was a tough fight! I thought that phase 2 would have been the hardest part due to people not having a full weapon inventory with all kinds of elements (cough* rainbow raygun *cough) yet it was the final form of the spider menace that got me to panic a little... until I realized that I already stacked so much blind on him that it was not even funny anymore

I think that I will skip the guest and wait for the armor. Its skill will probably entangle the enemy but perhaps there will be a different effect instead? Am crossing my finger for that 'haunted' special to happen

Ryu Draco -> RE: Void Takeover - Tormenting Silk-Screamer (10/23/2020 23:29:14)

A fully unlocked Paladin armor was VERY helpful for this fight.

battlesiege15 -> RE: Void Takeover - Tormenting Silk-Screamer (10/23/2020 23:53:07)

Has anyone tried to see if a Prismatic Burn can clear the shield yet?

Speaking of Prismatic Burn, @Hollow/Staff: Any chance we could get the Pridesmatic Yo-Yo in the LTS for Pride Month?

Ryu Draco -> RE: Void Takeover - Tormenting Silk-Screamer (10/23/2020 23:59:59)

Also just learned that I'd miss-read the effects in the third stage, thinking that all damage other than Darkness would be halved. The fight is now MUCH easier.

Primate Murder -> RE: Void Takeover - Tormenting Silk-Screamer (10/24/2020 1:37:37)

@ battlesiege

Yeah, prismatic burn works perfectly.

JIKIL -> RE: Void Takeover - Tormenting Silk-Screamer (10/24/2020 3:36:26)

The phases and elemental shield caught me offguard, though elemental rage and scorn helped strip that quickly.

Phase 3 is solvable by bursting down with Kindred.

Most fun and fair fight to be had in months.

EDIT: Honestly hope we get some for of elemental shield skill when the armor comes out, seeing as the entangled effects are all on the other items.

Noone -> RE: Void Takeover - Tormenting Silk-Screamer (10/24/2020 6:12:29)

Interesting that the ingame description is different from the one in the newsletter or here. "Knew its victims" changes to "knows of it" - I had wondered if that had been intended from the start, because scholars not acknowledging it definitely makes more sense if it hunts things that know of it, rather than those that knew people that it killed. I had thought that maybe the original description meant it in a sort of "scholars write to each other about this horror" in a sort of isolated horror sort of way and then they get picked off one by one and that the new wording is just a clarification. Might seem minor - but that might be the difference between it imitating the voices of your old friends and loved ones, and actually using the voices of your loved ones (a chilling thought)!

In any case - cool boss!

Armsman -> RE: Void Takeover - Tormenting Silk-Screamer (10/24/2020 8:24:02)

This was a really fascinating boss fight! I got super bamboozled the first time I hit stage 3, but I made enough preparations for the next time around to take him down. Took a total of 4 tries?

Really hope we see similar designs from future bosses where they escalate in difficulty the closer you get to beating them. Shame the armour's not available yet, but I think I can take the boss down again for when it drops.

battlesiege15 -> RE: Void Takeover - Tormenting Silk-Screamer (10/24/2020 10:47:24)

@PM: Thanks! Shame I sold my Prismatic Yo Yo. Guess I'll have to get the Ku brush for the Prismatic Burn?

Also does the Haunted status affect 100 proc weapons?

J9408 -> RE: Void Takeover - Tormenting Silk-Screamer (10/24/2020 11:05:44)

The Entangled status is funny because my main has no DEX to begin with!

jakyboy72 -> RE: Void Takeover - Tormenting Silk-Screamer (10/24/2020 12:17:38)

Huge fan of the elemental chaos shield and the three tier fight. Challenging, but still a first run through with the PR strat and skill nuke. Looking forward to seeing the armor whenever it comes out!

Hymnsicality -> RE: Void Takeover - Tormenting Silk-Screamer (10/26/2020 21:30:15)

Agree with what has been said, the lore and fight was super fun.

This feels like one of those mobs that has so much implied worldbuilding that it would be fun to see again in a different context. Journey to its lair. Or saving a scholar who has lost all their acquaintances from it.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Void Takeover - Tormenting Silk-Screamer (10/27/2020 16:30:42)

Beat it first try with my Beast Warrior. Went in with Angel of Souls, Lantern of Souls, Tarnished Caliburn, Terror Raiment (Could have been any Darkness reduction MISC), and Dogzilla.

It was easy sailing until he put up the shield. I didn't notice for about 3 attacks. Used my guests and pets to break through, (if you have the Spectral Chains spell from Frostval 2018 you can use it as the Ice one and clear 4 in 1 turn) and proceeded to continue. I didn't have another armor that I could switch into once my damage started dropping due to his effect. When my character delivered his last attack he did a measly 8 damage. With a triggered Caliburn. In an FO armor. I was able to win due to the Burn from Dogzilla. At the end I was just spamming Health Potions to stay alive while he attacked and got his Burn triggered. I enjoyed the fight and I'm sad that I don't have the tokens to buy the portal to visit it again any time I want. When it rolls back around I guess.

J9408 -> RE: Void Takeover - Tormenting Silk-Screamer (10/27/2020 17:59:20)

Someone else already mention this, but I do hope they include phases into these voids bosses more often.

It is something that is very common in RPG games and the phases can add a little lore into the bosses themselves, as you can see by how the spider screams become louder. It becomes more desperate in its last moments.

ruleandrew -> RE: Void Takeover - Tormenting Silk-Screamer (10/29/2020 4:36:43)

Tormenting Silk-Screamer phase 3 note
Your mp will be set to 0 and you cannot regain mp.
Your sp will be set to 0 and you cannot regain sp. However you are still able to use hp potions.

Tips for Tormenting Silk-Screamer
Pet damage is vital during the final phase of the fight.
You may use a weapon that never miss.

29/10/2020 update
Armour (Tormenting Silk-Screamer) is still missing.

The Hollow -> RE: Void Takeover - Tormenting Silk-Screamer (10/29/2020 15:44:22)

The Silk-Screamer armor has been added to the shop and this Void Takeover has been extended another week! Thank you for being patient folks!

Zennistrad -> RE: Void Takeover - Tormenting Silk-Screamer (10/30/2020 0:10:00)

Love the silk-screamer armor so far! Seems like what the Guardian Sugar Rush armor should have been all along.

Would it be possible to tweak it slightly so that you can toggle whether or not to feed it candy for normal attacks? It would make it a lot easier to save candy for tough encounters

Tacos -> RE: Void Takeover - Tormenting Silk-Screamer (10/30/2020 11:32:48)

Welp, I still need help for the last phrase of the fight. Any help?
Also, does the status at that part mean he takes more damage from Darkness or am I reading it wrong?

lolerster -> RE: Void Takeover - Tormenting Silk-Screamer (10/30/2020 11:59:03)

For those of you still having trouble with Silk Screamer, you can one of or a combination of the following:

  • Statuses such as Celerity (namely Shadowfeeder Pendant), Arcane Intellect/Buffalot, New Year's Surprise, Moonwalker's Grace, Curative Water, Geocastellum Robes, etc are stackable status. You can stack them at the start of the fight in conjunction with Purple Rain, enough so that they will last you through the entire fight even after your MP and SP are hard set to 0.
  • Silk-Screamer is Undead, meaning the new Paladin class is excellent. Because paladin armour/arnaments resistance seeks against Undead, they can be used as your second Darkness Armour once you receive the debuff that reduces your damage until you switch armour.
  • Old-standard miscs, notably Head of Raydius Dragon (-10% Darkness/Earth Resist, + 15 Dex, +5 Str, +Int), do not have an upkeep cost but takes 1 turn to activate, meaning they will remain active even after your SP and MP are hard set to 0. HoRD with a level 150 Darkness Resist armour/shield will allow you to reach 3% Darkness resist (4% for if using compression armours and 2% for Eventide).
  • Remember to try to deplete as much MP and SP as possible before the last phase so that they are used to do at least SOMETHING. You do not need to conserve SP/MP, only HP.
  • The all powerful Kindred Armour can be used in this fight if it is pre-stacked, as Kindred Strike does not have an SP cost, so it can be used even after reaching the final phase.
  • Keep in mind your damage/accuracy don't matter when breaking the shield on phase 2. Just hit with as many elements as possible between you, your pet and your guest. For those that run Wizard Robes, its level 9 spell Elemental Explosion can instantly break the shield, though I recommend using it with celerity due to Wizard Robe's very low defense..
  • Certain skills such as Kindred Strike (mentioned above), Lay on Hands, Strawberry Shield Cake and Royal Cake can be used even without the use of SP/MP.
  • Poelala/Dunamis/Therndas guests can be used at even 0 SP/MP. However, I THINK they damage the player if you cannot pay the upkeep cost. If this is the case, if you stacked Shadowfeeder Pendant before the final phase, you can attack once with them summoned for their damage boost, and then you can dismiss them before using your second celerity attack as they will only move and attempt to consume sp/mp after both of your celerity attacks. This will allow you to have a 50% uptime with them for no cost.
  • You can take Regenerative Spiritzer or Shining Aura from Lucretia, as those will likely be very helpful.
  • There is also always the potion and Artix Ally Assist options.

    Most of the stuff I listed is complete overkill. If you are still having trouble beating it after doing 1 or more of the above...I don't know what to say.

  • Tacos -> RE: Void Takeover - Tormenting Silk-Screamer (10/30/2020 13:40:00)

    I beat it! I didn't know it was undead so thanks for that that info! ^
    Beast Warrior so a plethora of guests and pets deal the brunt of damage. I used Angel of Souls, Frostval Merc, and Wicked King for armours. Tarnished Caliburn and Rainbow Raygun for weapons (I got unlucky on the latter on the shield part, which kept picking the elements that were already done). Frost Merc Smoke Grenade for dmg reduction, the blind is a bonus.
    On the last stretch, I just picked the Artix Ally Assist for the undead tidbit, because I still wasn't sure if that status mean every other element except Darkness got greatly reduced.
    Funnily enough, I do have Spectral Chains but I forgot about it during the battle. And on that note, I also brought my level of Moonwalker's Grace... which I don't have the MP for.

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