lolerster -> RE: Void Takeover - Tormenting Silk-Screamer (10/30/2020 11:59:03)
For those of you still having trouble with Silk Screamer, you can one of or a combination of the following: Statuses such as Celerity (namely Shadowfeeder Pendant), Arcane Intellect/Buffalot, New Year's Surprise, Moonwalker's Grace, Curative Water, Geocastellum Robes, etc are stackable status. You can stack them at the start of the fight in conjunction with Purple Rain, enough so that they will last you through the entire fight even after your MP and SP are hard set to 0. Silk-Screamer is Undead, meaning the new Paladin class is excellent. Because paladin armour/arnaments resistance seeks against Undead, they can be used as your second Darkness Armour once you receive the debuff that reduces your damage until you switch armour. Old-standard miscs, notably Head of Raydius Dragon (-10% Darkness/Earth Resist, + 15 Dex, +5 Str, +Int), do not have an upkeep cost but takes 1 turn to activate, meaning they will remain active even after your SP and MP are hard set to 0. HoRD with a level 150 Darkness Resist armour/shield will allow you to reach 3% Darkness resist (4% for if using compression armours and 2% for Eventide). Remember to try to deplete as much MP and SP as possible before the last phase so that they are used to do at least SOMETHING. You do not need to conserve SP/MP, only HP. The all powerful Kindred Armour can be used in this fight if it is pre-stacked, as Kindred Strike does not have an SP cost, so it can be used even after reaching the final phase. Keep in mind your damage/accuracy don't matter when breaking the shield on phase 2. Just hit with as many elements as possible between you, your pet and your guest. For those that run Wizard Robes, its level 9 spell Elemental Explosion can instantly break the shield, though I recommend using it with celerity due to Wizard Robe's very low defense.. Certain skills such as Kindred Strike (mentioned above), Lay on Hands, Strawberry Shield Cake and Royal Cake can be used even without the use of SP/MP. Poelala/Dunamis/Therndas guests can be used at even 0 SP/MP. However, I THINK they damage the player if you cannot pay the upkeep cost. If this is the case, if you stacked Shadowfeeder Pendant before the final phase, you can attack once with them summoned for their damage boost, and then you can dismiss them before using your second celerity attack as they will only move and attempt to consume sp/mp after both of your celerity attacks. This will allow you to have a 50% uptime with them for no cost. You can take Regenerative Spiritzer or Shining Aura from Lucretia, as those will likely be very helpful. There is also always the potion and Artix Ally Assist options. Most of the stuff I listed is complete overkill. If you are still having trouble beating it after doing 1 or more of the above...I don't know what to say.