Wilsonowen21 -> Suggestion: Dragonfable on Steam (10/20/2020 15:08:29)
With flash shutting down and the games moving to the Battleon launcher, I think it would be a great idea to make Dragonfable available on Steam. Not only would it bring in many new players and increase the popularity of the game but it would also bring in more money for the hard working developers. Adventure Quest 3D is already on steam so they already have somewhat of a foot in the door. A few examples of flash games that have done exceptionally well recently on steam are Swords and Sandals Collection and now Runescape. I'm aware that this question has been asked before a few times however I just wanted to give my thoughts. Thanks. Heres a steam page mockup: https://i.imgur.com/4D6SsoY.png As per the =DF= General Discussion Forum Rules, image tags aren't to be used in the DFGD; updated to a link. Thanks! [Jay] Edit: Thanks for fixing my post, wasn't aware image tags aren't allowed on DFGD