Silk screamer guest (Full Version)

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Mr. Roguish -> Silk screamer guest (10/24/2020 14:02:16)

Black Cat's 77% chance of -15 BtH, equates to 19.02% melee per turn.
Mirror Ryuusei's infinite sum of 40% chance of -4 MRM and -4 BtH, equates to 8.78% melee per turn.
Ninja Lawyer Asassins' 50% chance of -90 Dex an equivalent to -11.25 MRM and -6.75 BtH, equates to 14.82% melee per turn.

What is the silk screamer guest coming in at?

Legendary Ash -> RE: Silk screamer guest (10/29/2020 18:13:07)

Silk Screamer has the same -90 Dex as Lawyers.

Mr. Roguish -> RE: Silk screamer guest (12/12/2020 8:18:22)

Wait, is the black cat 77% -15 BtH based on in class armor?

If so, what's the melee out of class armor?

Legendary Ash -> RE: Silk screamer guest (12/12/2020 16:34:12)

Yes the above value is with Rogue Outfit, out of the class armor is 67% -10 BtH, equates to 11.035% melee per turn.

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