Hybrid Character Rating (Full Version)

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celticsrul44 -> Hybrid Character Rating (10/29/2020 11:56:45)

Character Link: https://aq.battleon.com/game/flash/charview?temp=20628422
Level & Status: Level 150 Guardian
Build: Hybrid (STR/INT 250--DEX 150 --LUK 100)
Armor of Awe/UltraGuardian Element (If Applicable): Wind
Custom Weapon: Do not remember
Level(s) of Items with Multiple Versions: Most 150, easily upgrade others
Alignment (Good/Evil or Chaos/Unity): Good Unity
Notes: Haven't really played in almost 8 years. Spent the last couple weeks trying to get caught up. Have the werepyre armors for coverage and they never seem to treat me wrong, I can get through most things currently. Honestly had some tokens so bought as much from the terror set as I good and playing with the "fear" affect is REALLY fun where the werepyres get stale. Just like having the ability to have three armor slots where I can rotate out different bloodmages/zerkers for nukes and other utility armors like paladin, terror, wkz, angel of souls, kindred, assassin. Stick with a lot of melee stuff where I have both dunamis right now.
Goals: Would really like to know how I can best optimize or better use this fear set up, love hitting them with scramble ray to get their darkness up and then having fun with the equipment. Otherwise just curious what other things I should keep an eye out for, GGB I should look for/get, any misc or shield changes I should make. Just honestly trying to get back into the game and not sure what exactly I am missing.
Z-Tokens (If Applicable):

celticsrul44 -> RE: Hybrid Character Rating (10/31/2020 11:21:03)

Ok to bump this?

RobynJoanne -> RE: Hybrid Character Rating (10/31/2020 13:48:16)

Not much of a character rating, as you seem to be doing really well as is, but you might want to check out Royal Void Charge(name's different in Info Sub) as a Werepyre. It's basically a Terror Eater for Panic, which is useful because of Werepyre's Terror skill, and is located in the Void Dragon War, the prelude to the Dragonlorn Keep quests in Warlic's Shop. Alternatively, you may want to switch to a warrior build to take advantage of Bloodzerker armors and Werewolf's Snarl for QC-fear. It wouldn't take much to switch because you already have most of the best items for warriors.

celticsrul44 -> RE: Hybrid Character Rating (10/31/2020 17:39:56)

I've honestly debated switching to warrior but I remember from a while back they weren't as viable as mages? I also read that if I stay werepyre I should switch to magic weapons which I don't mind doing since cosmetically I prefer the werepyre. I think I just like playing around with fear as it was new and something different but are there other items that work well with the terror skill?

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