Coming Back (Full Version)

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Harukun -> Coming Back (10/29/2020 23:20:51)

I took a break for a month and was wondering what items I missed that I can still farm for. I know that the birthday event is still ongoing but what is going to disappear this weekend that I should farm for?

Legendary Ash -> RE: Coming Back (10/30/2020 0:10:57)

Limited Time Drops going rare on Oct 31 and Seasonal Items leaving after October.

Harukun -> RE: Coming Back (10/30/2020 13:50:26)

how about the birthday stuff? I mean it seems like there are birthday stuff thats going to leave?

Legendary Ash -> RE: Coming Back (10/30/2020 14:06:00)

The Royal Shadowslayer set, Aspiring Necromancer sets, Artix's Weapons of Light, Dragon Statues, Cake House Item/Pet and Eternal Dragon House Item/Pet are seasonal birthday items.

Items from 12th Anniversary event shop/Collection Chest will go rare.

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