A small update for Mechquest (Full Version)

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D3m37r1 -> A small update for Mechquest (10/30/2020 14:18:31)

Hey guys I know Mechquest is dead. That's why I posted here instead of the mechquest forums. I was wondering if you could just add back all the content that was removed for various reasons. So all the previous wars and events along with the mechs and weapons associated with them. Stuff like Halloween, Christmas,friday the 13th etc. Also the star captain mech of the month mechs at original power (plz no nerfs).

TL;DR no new content just all the old content. After that you guys can just forget mechquest ever existed(if you haven't already)

And if you feel like it maybe make star captain and nova gem mechs not take up inventory space since mechquest doesn't have a bank like dragonfable.

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