Returning Player (Full Version)

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Suyo -> Returning Player (11/1/2020 1:38:06)

Hello everyone,

I have not played Dragonfable for almost three years now, i had purchased a Dragon amulet as well back in 2016 and my account might be as old as 2014 or more.
I booted up the game and have seen it has come a long way from where it was and it was a pleasure jumping back in. I needed a little guidance as to what to do exactly as the lore is massive and i am quiet a bit lost.

Also i downloaded the Artix game launcher but the game performance is not upto my expectations as i remember the game running much much smoother in my earlier days.
I would appreciate if anyone could guide me or redirect to a link where i can seek the help i need, i once again thank you for taking the time out and helping me.


ghostquartet -> RE: Returning Player (11/1/2020 2:30:40)

I just turn the quality on low and disable weather, that makes the game run pretty smoothly on my computer.

As for the lore, there's an in game timeline you can follow now! In each of the tabs in the book of lore (the scroll on the bottom of the screen) there should be a link to the timeline which links you to the quests in their "proper" order, it gets a bit confusing in Book 3 because there's so many plots but it'll help you figure out the basic locations/people to talk to to progress the "story." If you have a certain class you like to play as you might want to b-line there first to grab that so you don't have to wait. There's also a lot of quests that aren't on the timeline that you can find just by poking around towns and exploring the map along the way.

Also this is something that confused me when I came back to the game after a few years: The seasonal events are sometimes tied into the plot and some characters/plot points will be introduced during these, leaving a hole in the timeline when the event isn't available (unless you have the book that lets you access them year round). Similarly if you decide you want to take advantage of a seasonal event book being available (it's Mogloween now!) know that you'll likely get some form of spoilers if you aren't all caught up.

Also the Inn at the Edge of Time is super cool but really hard and ultimately optional.

Eris Blackwood -> RE: Returning Player (11/25/2020 21:53:25)

I've also recently come back to see where the story is at! I half thought I wouldn't be interested anymore but after an hour or so, I was hooked on the plot all over again. These games have aged so well and dare I say seemed to have matured with the fanbase? I've had my account since 2009 or 2008. I didn't get a Dragon Amulet till after the Final 13 war, around 2012, but I came back this week and finally got myself all the Doomknight gear. 70 bucks, but all worth it. I've played this game on and off for years and will probably continue for the rest of my life. Artix and the gang are amazing people and they make amazing games.


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