Primate Murder -> RE: Character Advice Lvl 150 FO Mage (11/27/2020 0:07:42)
Welcome back! Weapons I would suggest switching from UG Scythe to Staff of Awe, so you don't have to run compression or miss out on an element. If you align your Awe special to PWD, you'll even retain a 3% chance of insta-killing the monster! For the element, I suggest using darkness - all the other elements have more useful weapons available. By far the best spellcasting weapon is Arcane Cutlass of Combustion, giving all your fire spells (and spell-type skills) +28% damage. If you don't want to use a UR, grab Pyromancer's Bloodblade (coming to the Void in a few weeks) - it's basically a copy of the Blazing Bloodzerker Blade, but has a minor synergy with Bloodmage armors. I would suggest picking up the Kindred sword for water, as having an autohit weapon can really save your bacon in certain situations. Arcane Cutlass of Gales (wind copy of Combustion Cutlass) is BiS wind spellbooster. Horo Show is a melee weapon,making it a pretty bad choice for a 0-str character. Arctic Athame would be a better ice weapon, as it provides a nice damage boost to your ice spells. Your Terra Bloodzerker sword remains the best earth option available. Dynamancer's Bloodblade deals 10% more damage than Regal Dragonblade and boosts the damage of your energy spells. Arcane Cutlass of Radiance is a light copy of the Combustion Cutlass. The boost it provides to spells has great synergy with Paladin's Overwhelming Light and Lumenomancer Bloodmage (both stronger nukes than WKZ). Armors I would suggest switching your no-drop to Insightful armor of awe. You're unlikely to be using the armor all that often, but the qc mana shield can occasionally come in useful. Hydromancer, Cryomancer and Dynamancer Bloodmages are elemental variants of the Pyromancer armor and have the strogest nukes in the game. Haunted Dragonlord Armor has the strongest (non-premium) wind skill in the game. It's also treated as a spell, so has great synergy with Cutlass of Gales. Terra Bloodzerker is still the strongest earth armor we have. Lumenomancer Bloodmage has the strongest light nuke, but you may also want to check out Paladin. It's the only updated class we have with full 20 skills, giving it incredible utility; its best nuke (Overwhelming Light) is not that much weaker than Bloodmage skill either. Once you run the advanced Vampire quest, your no-drop Vamp should give you a good darkness armor. Shields Once you level up your Knight class and pick Stormfallen, Avenger's Bulwark will slowly charge up a free EleShield. Grab the highest level of Celtic Wheel for that Int drive. The new MC shield can make you borderline invincible with PR shenanigans. For a more offensive shield, use the lvl 150 variant of your Fujin shield. Grab the lvl 150 variant of your Pie shield for ice. Golem Guard has a small damage reduction toggle. Energy doesn't really have anything outstanding - just use the highest version of the Taladosian shield. Scarab Shell has a toggle to lower monster MRM, increasing the accuracy of all your attacks and spells. Spells Your armor nukes, as a rule, will be stronger than any generic spell. As such, there are only a few damage spells worth looking at: - Warmaster's Burst and D-Burst deal +50% damage for an hp cost. - Sizzler 'Splosion sacrifices some damage, but autohits - useful against high MRM wind mobs. - Knife to Meat You is a qc, 1/battle earth damage spell. Only available at Mogloween. - Archmage Research or Runic Binding give you a source of Harm damage. Pets At 0 Cha, you have little reason to use anything except Poelala. The only exception I can think of is the Kindred pet, as it can gather charges for the Kindred weapon/shield. Miscs Not much needs updating here. Essence Orb for sp, Love Potion and SFP for meta, Irt of Osiris for damage boosting, PCO because it's badass. Some other miscs you may want to consider: - Rejuvenating Necklace gives mp based on damage dealt. A great way to ensure you always have mana to cast a spell. - Goggernaut Helm gives +10 bth to every attack on the field, without the usual /2 for spells. - Grakma Warhorn's Berserk gives a notable damage bonus (not /2 for spells, making it the strongest spell booster), but at the expense of accuracy. - Taladosian Pendant gives Mental Potence, increasing your chances of inflicting Vamp's Mesmerize. - Morningstar Helm gives immunity to paralysis. If you want something a little more sp-efficient, Blood Ruby and Liquid Courage give resistances to paralysis and fear respectively. Hope the info's useful and don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions!