Any must have Token Items for Beastwarriors? (Full Version)

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battlesiege15 -> Any must have Token Items for Beastwarriors? (11/24/2020 10:30:50)

Just curious if there is anything that is absolutely necessary for beastwarriors this Black Friday sale. Thanks!

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Any must have Token Items for Beastwarriors? (11/24/2020 11:10:05)

Nothing that makes an impact specifically for Beast Warriors. Just your standard suggestions.

battlesiege15 -> RE: Any must have Token Items for Beastwarriors? (11/24/2020 14:01:43)

Ah ok, thank you. I figured as much. I was going to consider the new guest since it does overcharged damage but the compression elements overlap with Shogun & Anatsu :(

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Any must have Token Items for Beastwarriors? (11/24/2020 14:20:27)

It wouldn't be a bad choice, but like you said, the compression is not favorable. Plus, there isn't really someone that is better than Shogun & Anatsu for Fire. Unless you want to buy it as a just in case something gets released.

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