Legendary Ash -> RE: Defensive Ranger Hybrid? (11/26/2020 23:32:14)
Optimization Academy of Lore: Builds in the Definition of builds describes the three main builds and potential hybrids, their respective output values are listed to calculate a total. At 250 Dex 250 Cha 0 Str and Luk, a 100% proc Ranged weapon with a 20% true special deals 57.3306% melee, a no special deals 46.954% melee, pet deals 30.909% melee, guest 46.364% melee, Total = 134.6036% melee per turn At 250 Int/Dex/Cha and 0 Luk, a 100% proc Magic weapon with a 20% true special deals 59.535% melee, a no special deals 57.955% melee, spell deals 19.319% melee per turn within 20 turn model, pet deals 30.909% melee, guest 46.364% melee, Total = 156.127% melee per turn At 250 Str/Dex/Int and 0 Luk, a 100% proc Ranged weapon with a 20% true special deals 79.3806% melee, a no special deals 77.273% melee, skill and spell separately deals 19.319% melee per turn within 20 turn model, pet deals 12% melee, Total = 130.0186% melee per turn