Defensive Ranger Hybrid? (Full Version)

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Ryu Draco -> Defensive Ranger Hybrid? (11/26/2020 20:47:49)

Hey, me again with an unusual build question. How viable would a FD Mage with Ranged weapons be, assuming 250 INT and DEX, with maybe CHA as a support stat? Off the top of my head I would think that it would allow a Mage's burst level, while having a higher sustained damage level after casting. Would this be workable, or would more of a Ranged Hybrid approach be more viable, with 250 in STR, DEX, and INT?

Legendary Ash -> RE: Defensive Ranger Hybrid? (11/26/2020 23:32:14)

Optimization Academy of Lore: Builds in the Definition of builds describes the three main builds and potential hybrids, their respective output values are listed to calculate a total.

At 250 Dex 250 Cha 0 Str and Luk, a 100% proc Ranged weapon with a 20% true special deals 57.3306% melee, a no special deals 46.954% melee, pet deals 30.909% melee, guest 46.364% melee, Total = 134.6036% melee per turn
At 250 Int/Dex/Cha and 0 Luk, a 100% proc Magic weapon with a 20% true special deals 59.535% melee, a no special deals 57.955% melee, spell deals 19.319% melee per turn within 20 turn model, pet deals 30.909% melee, guest 46.364% melee, Total = 156.127% melee per turn
At 250 Str/Dex/Int and 0 Luk, a 100% proc Ranged weapon with a 20% true special deals 79.3806% melee, a no special deals 77.273% melee, skill and spell separately deals 19.319% melee per turn within 20 turn model, pet deals 12% melee, Total = 130.0186% melee per turn

Ryu Draco -> RE: Defensive Ranger Hybrid? (11/28/2020 4:06:26)

Sorry Ash, but I can't...quite... work out your response? I'm aware that it isn't an 'optimal' build, but would I be over-crippling myself with the build was what I was wondering. I just really like the concept of an Arcane Archer character. If I'm reading that right, I'd be able to somewhat manage with a 50/50 split in STR and CHA, with DEX and INT maxed?

Legendary Ash -> RE: Defensive Ranger Hybrid? (11/28/2020 14:46:55)

All builds are intended to be equivalent to each other as they employ a 25% melee distribution among chosen equipment types: Warrior/Ranger 's weapon, Mage's mana-dependent spell (25% melee from weapon lumped into 5/4 skill cost) and Beastmaster's guest (1/4 skill cost + 25% melee from weapon).

Out of three single Mainstat builds Beastmasters has the highest output due to a pet's increased output that becomes relevant when one uses Elecomp skills as intended by balance assumptions instead of on the enemies' weakness.

AQ currently lacks Cha Mainstat weapons of each element except 100% procs for Water and Wind, the situation is not faring any better when the majority of players don't recognize it as an independent build, but as sub build of Warrior/Ranger/Mage.
In reality it is just another hybridized build much like the 'Hybrid' recognized as a combination of Warrior and Mage.

A Beastmaster combined with either Warrior or Mage would be the optimal maximum output build. The difference between the two is that Warriors have the advantage of stronger weapon attacks as well as lower skill costs and while a Beastmaster's Cha weapon shares the same 75% melee as a Magic weapon so one can use either of the two and not have to wait for more Cha weapons to be released, Mages have the advantage of mana potions to break out of the mana limitation derived from the 20 turn model such as four spell casts of a standard spell.

Ryu Draco -> RE: Defensive Ranger Hybrid? (11/29/2020 20:22:17)

So for now it would be best to approach Beastmaster and Hybrids as 'subclasses' of Warrior/Ranger/Mage, with including both options leading to diluting available stats too much?

Legendary Ash -> RE: Defensive Ranger Hybrid? (11/29/2020 21:20:08)

I recommend having Int/Dex/Cha stats maxed instead of splitting Cha in half to invest in Str.

Ryu Draco -> RE: Defensive Ranger Hybrid? (11/29/2020 21:32:05)

I've decided to split the idea I was working with into 2 concepts. One will be my Arcane Archer with STR, DEX, and INT and I'll use booster pets and guests as they become available to me. The other I'll try as a Beastmaster Hybrid using Werepyre to get around the drawbacks of having no DEX in favor of CHA. It fortunately still fits the inspiration character that gave me this idea in the first place, kinda.

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