Elemental Resistance Miscs (Full Version)

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Keno Chao -> Elemental Resistance Miscs (11/30/2020 13:47:31)

Does anyone have a list of the best elemental damage reduction miscs for each element? Preferably ones using SP as I'm running a BeastMage using my MP for summons. Thanks in advance.

Legendary Ash -> RE: Elemental Resistance Miscs (11/30/2020 16:45:31)

Optimization Academy of Lore: Miscs, items are arranged by (multi) elements and trail behind these letters: D are Defensive, N are Neutral (or mix of both), O are Offensive.

Keno Chao -> RE: Elemental Resistance Miscs (11/30/2020 17:18:29)

Don't know how I managed to miss this guide. Many thanks!

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