Z token item advice (Full Version)

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Nimsoc -> Z token item advice (11/30/2020 19:26:57)

Hello guys, been away from the game for quite some time.

Since there is a token item discount i was wondering what are some must have items.
I'm sitting on around 37k tokens and if i sell my estate probably more, i also think i have 1 ultra rare and alot of rare GGBs unused.

If it's not much to ask could you recommend me some must have items.My char should be linked in the profile but my gear is all over the place as i collected alot of stuff over the years so i don't expect people to check what i have just tell what you would see as must have items

Another question, are there any issues if i sell my old urn of daryngourd/everfrozen shard and just buy them cheaper with the current sale? [:D]

Much appreciated [;)]

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