Need help on choosing what to sell to make room for Guardian GiftBoxes (Full Version)

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Gn3ranger -> Need help on choosing what to sell to make room for Guardian GiftBoxes (12/2/2020 19:41:08)

I usually log in once a month to claim my monthly golden giftbox and annually to get my Xmas Goodies but it came at a price, due to not playing actively anymore i cant really farm tokens for extra slots so i gotta keep selling off items to buy rares.

So my question is, is there anything not rare in my inventories right off the bat you guys can see that [&:]i can sell off to make room for giftboxen?

joac1144 -> RE: Need help on choosing what to sell to make room for Guardian GiftBoxes (12/2/2020 20:36:37)

Broken Ornament.
Noctournal Knight Rider.
Torontosaurus Rex.
Dreadknight's Cleaver.
Ultra Omni Knight Blade.
Nocturnal Knight Edge.

Legendary Ash -> RE: Need help on choosing what to sell to make room for Guardian GiftBoxes (12/2/2020 21:28:15)

Permanent: Horo Vindicator, Hairmuffs
Seasonal: Star Sabre, Kamohoali'i Jaw, Fireworks Display
Void Rotation: Nulgath, Weredragon Breath, Death Chops, Death Flair, Cabbit, Keyote, Greater Water Orb

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Need help on choosing what to sell to make room for Guardian GiftBoxes (12/3/2020 15:24:41)

The Giftboxen will be around for the whole month. If you want some time to try to get the tokens to buy the slots you have it. With Tibbles being active right now you have more chances to get the tokens you need.

battlesiege15 -> RE: Need help on choosing what to sell to make room for Guardian GiftBoxes (12/3/2020 15:32:15)

If you have other characters on the account, you can use them as rare storage or the shared vault. Plus, a good amount of recent GGBs were made to be level 0 and scale so you can use them on other characters whenever you want to.

Gn3ranger -> RE: Need help on choosing what to sell to make room for Guardian GiftBoxes (12/3/2020 18:07:15)

Thanks for the suggestions, sold off all the non discontinued items and ill be making use of my other character for storage [:)]

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