Armor of Awe? (Full Version)

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battlesiege15 -> Armor of Awe? (12/3/2020 15:36:39)

So recently the AoAs were updated. Mighty now heals 1/400 so about 7 HP per turn for a 0 END level 150 player. Wouldn't the new Deft AoA be better with it's +3 blocking?

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Armor of Awe? (12/3/2020 15:40:37)

AoA is FD. Shouldn't you be using the FO UltraGuardian as a Warrior? To answer your question though, Might be worth going to Deft if you want to stick with it.

battlesiege15 -> RE: Armor of Awe? (12/3/2020 16:03:18)

I'm using the 100% new weapon for a change in game play :D

But I gotcha, I will use the Deft armor of awe

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