Elemental core? (Full Version)

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Kajimaru -> Elemental core? (12/4/2020 14:19:03)

in the dragonlorn MC quest, what does getting that core give you? also, how do you get it, i stayed for a while fighting stuff in the last area and didnt get it, unless i was doing it in the wrong place?

Faker -> RE: Elemental core? (12/7/2020 15:31:57)

I believe it just gives you a piece of lore. Collecting all the items unlocks a face for 500 Z-tokens.

battlesiege15 -> RE: Elemental core? (12/7/2020 16:25:43)

They are unlocked permanently and do give access to cutscenes. There's a small chance to get it at the end of each wing so not guaranteed each time.

Kajimaru -> RE: Elemental core? (12/8/2020 1:20:42)

well ihave all but the elemental core, where do i get it from? the final stretch before the last boss?

Kajimaru -> RE: Elemental core? (12/8/2020 22:03:13)

There are several wings you battle thru in the last portion right? which wing does the core spawn in usually?

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