Why did the weapon (reaver of nulgath) turn into a level 0 weapon from upgrading it? (Full Version)

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OverLordOfDeath -> Why did the weapon (reaver of nulgath) turn into a level 0 weapon from upgrading it? (12/8/2020 3:57:27)

Is this a bad thing or does it now work depending on your level? I upgraded it in the account management.

Armsman -> RE: Why did the weapon (reaver of nulgath) turn into a level 0 weapon from upgrading it? (12/8/2020 4:21:46)

All the level 0 items from the GGB scale according to your level, so you don't have anything to worry about. It's a nice QOL improvement so it doesn't feel super-bad buying an ultra-rare on a lower-level character now.

OverLordOfDeath -> RE: Why did the weapon (reaver of nulgath) turn into a level 0 weapon from upgrading it? (12/8/2020 4:28:59)

Thanks. I forgot about that feature so I was so confused why it suddenly changed like that.

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